Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Diapason »

The real delay was caused by the shipping company's insurance people. Apparently when you go over a certain quoted insurance value, they need to check the packaging for themselves before they'll let it ship. As a consequence, it stayed in an Italian warehouse from Thursday evening to Tuesday afternoon. Whatever about my slight disappointment at having it delayed a few days, the seller was absolutely irate about the whole thing! I'm philosophical about it, and in fact I think it's a good sign that the logistics people take things sufficiently seriously.

But I really would have preferred to have it for the weekend...
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Adrian »

Patience patience..... you are better off having them arrive 100% intact but a few days late.... as distinct from delivered in record time but there are now a few scuff marks / scratches etc

So..... now that the Elipsa's are "in the post"...... what is the battle plan? Have you picked out various recordings etc.... positioning..... and for how long are you keeping the Kharma's before you let them go?

How rigorous is the 'rigorous' test procedure going to be?

Not that I mean to tell you how to suck eggs etc.... but moving / manipulating big bulky heavy items (particularly when they are expensive) can involve very careful planning / consideration / preparation....otherwise the item could be marked, and heavy bulky items have a tendency to damage themselves even under their own weight i.e. lying on its side etc.

You may even require a few 'buddies' over just to get these beauties out of the box!! Make sure you remove rings, watches, jewellery, bracelets etc etc.... perhaps get a good pair of gloves on before touching these beauties. Recently I moved a 49" LED TV.... you could catch it from the back.... but as the fascia on the front was so thin.... one had to be super careful. For that move my wife and I used latex gloves to prevent finger prints.

I must admit.... I don't like bulky heavy items.....especially when they have to be moved..... a large TV screen would be one example. A few times I have moved items... even with utmost care.... and I discover later that despite my best efforts.... I have caused a mark here or there. Even thinking about it can gives me a headache!!

But good to hear the Elipsa's are on the way..... coming home to Daddy!!!!!!
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Diapason »

Adrian, I'm actually dreading the whole process of trying to get them safely into the house, out of the boxes and into position. I have Steve lined up to help out with the unboxing process, and between the two of us we should be able to get them into some semblance of position, but I know from experience that I'll be moving these around, inch by inch for quite some time before I'm happy that I have them in the right place. Still, we'll take it slowly.

I'm hoping that I'll know very quickly whether the Kharmas can go or not, and I kinda think that even if the Elipsas don't wow me from the word go, I'll probably stick with them for a while anyway and see if we can make them sing with different amps or whatever. They'd want to be really disappointing for me to want rid of them straightaway, but stranger things have happened. So, the rigorous test procedure won't be that rigorous, if I think there's any hope for them at all I'll move the Kharmas on as I strongly feel the need for a change.

Good call on taking off rings and watches and all that. It would break my heart to ruin the finish on these!
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Fran »

Belt buckles, studs on jeans too, zips on hoodies too....
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Diapason »

Steve and I need to get naked, basically? Maybe I'll just return to sender........
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by HiFiFan »

When the Wilson's came they had coasters/wheels on them which made it very easy to move around and get a first level setup, even though they are quite heavy. Once roughly in place they get changed out for the actual spikes - fairly easy to do just by putting the speaker to its side. Hopefully your speakers will too. If not it might be worth seeing if you can get some that will fit the speaker spike fittings.

My wife and I actually did the unboxing, moving into the house and setup for the Sophias. This time the dealer was out to the house and did it all.

Regarding the wait I am glad they are taking the time to check the boxing etc. When I lived in Hawaii I saw a number of things (even metal things) that got damaged due to poor packing so I think it is good they are doing their due diligence.
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Adrian »

Diapason wrote:Steve and I need to get naked, basically? Maybe I'll just return to sender........

I did suggest that to the wife once....long time ago in the early days of the marriage it went something like this....

'We need to get naked darling'!!!

"Naked?......naked???....What's this strange word 'naked', darling? It's not listed in the marriage manual.".....No it's not listed anywhere.
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Steve »

Now, nobody told me I had to get naked in a man cave.... Does the pursuit of The Absolute Sound truly know no boundaries...

At least there'll be a couple of Italian ladies present. With undoubted curves...
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by nige2000 »

that will look priceless when the wives walk in........
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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Post by Derek »

You need wine, lots and lots of wine.
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