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Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:01 pm
by Seán
I am wondering if any of the Moderators, the Site Admin Man, or even ordinary members here have access to the contact details of some of the members from the last version of the Cloney Forum? If so I wonder would they mind sending a message to the likes of rats & mcq, both of whom were well informed and enthusiastic members of the last forum and alert them to the existence of this site?

Given the cryptic name of this site people will not easily stumble on it even if actively searching for us.

Just a thought, thanks!

Any thoughts? Good, bad or indifferent?

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:46 pm
by Fran
Unfortunately I don't..... I had some pms from rats, but never got a number or email etc. Don't think I had anything from mcq...

When I set up the forum, I searched through my emails and emailed everyone that I had the vaguest connection with from the old forum, but to no avail. I've asked Derek and Ivor too, and they did the same....

So, heres a call, to echo Sean's one - if you have any details of any of the old members, or indeed know anyone who may be interested, do refer them on to us.

Now that we have been up and running for a few weeks, and the site is stable, I intend going advertising our presence on some of the other fora. One of the old members (pa79ul) contacted me through pinkfishmedia, and I replied to his PM and told him about here, but never heard anything back...

Others missing in action: dancing priest, fred1996, spook, francie campbell, bpurcell, Chun, Justin, Nigel, and I can't remember his name right now, but the Danish fella lived not far from Cloneys, just moved house last year, had those big planar speakers and more I can't think of right now....

So put the word out if you have the contacts!!!


Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:19 pm
by Diapason
Fran wrote:I can't remember his name right now, but the Danish fella lived not far from Cloneys, just moved house last year, had those big planar speakers
That'd be Claus.

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:07 pm
by DaveF
I pretty sure dancing priest is on I'm still waiting for my account to be reactivated over there after they suffered a major hack recently.

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:42 pm
by Fran
Yes it would! Couldn't remember his name when i was posting!
Ttcomet is on boards photo section I think....


Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:23 pm
by Adrian
Good evening chaps,

What a nice cool evening it is too.

Sorry I do not have any contact details of the other members. The only reason I am here is courtesy of Fergus, he had my details after I bought some CD's off him.

I know the banter on here is a bit slow, however I am sure if we give it more time the membership will increase and we will get back to the usual frequency of banter again.

Just have to be patient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards Adrian

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:01 pm
by Fran
Yes, I know it can be quiet here, but give it a little time and it will get busier. The clones forum was like that too at the start.... everyone start posting more and.... recruit a friend!


Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:10 pm
by Seán
Fran wrote:Yes, I know it can be quiet here, but give it a little time and it will get busier. The clones forum was like that too at the start.... everyone start posting more and.... recruit a friend!

I already have done so, young Jared joined today.

Fran, I am wondering if we might ask Noel to set up a link from the Cloney Audio HiFi Forum tab to this site and as a quid pro quo you could set up a permanent link to Cloney's main site and/or their Pre-owned web page.

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:49 pm
by fergus
Unfortunately, the only email contact that I had was that of Adrian and he has arrived here, thankfully....I have no more, unfortunately.

Re: Do people have previous Forum members contact details?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 1:04 pm
by Andy S
I have Claus's email address and I think I have Brendan's email address aswell, I will send off some emails.

