Sky Soundbox by Devialet - SOLD

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Sky Soundbox by Devialet - SOLD

Post by Derek »

I'm offering this on behalf of my brother who isn't a Tir-Na-HiFi member but is a HiFi enthusiast.
It's on Adverts for €200 and is offering it here for €150.
It's boxed, in great condition, comes with power cable, HDMI cable and remote.
It works with any TV using Optical and/or HDMI. ... 2fc2e2e8b4 ... b18341f946

Designed by Devialet for Sky. There are nine drivers shoehorned into this neat unit and sounds like it.

Dimensions; W37.5 x D21 x H9.5cm
Frequency range; 35Hz-22kHz
F5Pi Amp(Nelson Pass design), Airtight ATM-4, Ruark Accolades, Pink Triangle TT, Roksan Artimiz, Clearaudio Discovery, Tom Evans Microgroove Plus, Audiolab 6000 CDT, Fran DAC, Dalkey Audio Interconnects.
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