Floyd Toole - Sound reproduction – art and science/opinions and facts

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Floyd Toole - Sound reproduction – art and science/opinions and facts

Post by Naimaste »

Floyd Toole - Sound reproduction – art ... and facts

I thought this interesting and edumacational.
As they say YMMV!.

Link also to forum discussion on Floyd Toole book and also his presentations

http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/thre ... on.210872/
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Re: Floyd Toole - Sound reproduction – art and science/opinions and facts

Post by tony »

Went through a phase of getting involved in those threads but thankfully therapy saved me. Any thread on this subject with Julf, Winer etc and the eyes glaze over. Sure there is some very useful stuff in there but there always seems to be an agenda with these folk and standard pattern of thread development.
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