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Headphone Amps

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:06 pm
by tony
looking at a meier corda cantate.2 on the web. Has a dac seems well made and gets good reviews. I have looked at some of the diy stuff mentioned here but not at the races in relation to taking that option.
Hope to get a pair of senn hd650's shortly as finding listening to music loud at night is difficult.
Really havent the foggiest about this route. Looking at some of the posts I checked out little dot but seems to be difficult to get and coming from china puts me off taking a chance on that route.
Tempted by the notion of a valve amp but no experience whatsoever.
Anybody got some info on the above or other routes that might be more sensible.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:51 am
by paulb
tony have a look here, they are in France post shouldn't be too much and they have a good selection of headphones amps. ... 0_354.html

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:57 am
by paulb
also in case you want to try my grado 325 you are welcomed to borrow them

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:54 am
by Fifthgear

DOnt be affraid to order from china. I had some experience ordering from China and HOnk Kong. I got some Audiophile Caps an binding posts. Got them both within 12 days with no problems. If you buy on ebay you money are safe:)

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:55 am
by Ivor
paulb wrote:tony have a look here, they are in France post shouldn't be too much and they have a good selection of headphones amps. ... 0_354.html
Nice site that... reasonable prices too.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:37 am
by tony
Thanks Paul still using the sa1530's i got of you last summer they are in use in my second system.
That french site is a great link.I had searched online but never came across it. Thanks also for offer re grado's,I have no headphone amp at the moment so no real way of testing them but might come back to you on that. The hd650's are only €267 in komplett which I think is a very good price. It looks like sennheiser have a new model out the HD800 but that seems to be in a different league altogether.
From any review I have read the hd650's should be very good and huge step up from my previousl lugs 30odd year old yamahas.

Anybody have little dots? I quiet fancy the meier as it also has the dac.(to be honest a couple of months ago a dac to me was a snobby way of expressing the fact that one had a deck in ones back garden.)

China bit doesnt worry me if I had listened to the item before purchase. I wouldnt be as bothered if I got a solid state but I want to try and here a valve amp before I considered jumping.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:35 pm
by tony
Also spotted a set of akg701's and they seem to get very good reviews also. Badly need a shop that has all 3 (grado,senn and akg) for comparison.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:53 pm
by fergus
tony be honest a couple of months ago a dac to me was a snobby way of expressing the fact that one had a deck in ones back garden....
LOL....excellently put. Good luck with the hunt!

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:59 pm
by tony
Hi Fergus.As you can see I have given up on the spendors.(for the moment) Looks like i can get more bang for my few bucks using this route.
Whereabouts are you? might take the hendrix album if still available.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:05 pm
by fergus
The Spendors can come later Tony if and when funds and the opportunity probably makes good sense to go down the road that you are pursuing at the moment.

I live in Blackrock, not too far from the Cloney shop.