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The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:27 pm
by Rocker
My computer has been locked by what is known as The Garda Siochana virus. Google for more info, but do not pay. I am taking the PC to a computer repair guy tomorrow as advised by the Gardai when I contacted them about this. The Gardai are aware of this computer virus which locks the PC and displays an official looking message with Interpol and other logos. Do not pay up!

I am typing this on my iPad, I googled the Garda virus and found a lot of information.

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:04 pm
by Ivor

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:06 pm
by jkeny
Oh, your computer has the "blue Flu"?

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:21 pm
by Steve
My PC was also struck down by the Garda virus last night. Checked a few google links via laptop and there seems to be a few computer repair places quite willing to sort your woes for about €49. Checked a few more links and realised that it's pretty easy to sort without professional help..

Just as the laptop starts to boot, press F8 a few times and interrupt the boot sequence. Should be given an option to boot in safe mode which will then allow you to finish booting using system restore files from an earlier date I.e. before the virus hit..

Worked a treat for me. Takes few mins to complete the boot but no data files are lost and all back to normal. Was cheerfully surprised that Microsoft had sorted me out so easily...

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:22 am
by Rocker
Nice work Steve. I read a few postings on how to remove this virus but it started to read as a bit geeky so I left the computer in a repair shop in town. Should be ready tomorrow....

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:02 am
by Alltheyoungdudes
I had this virus last summer. Very annoying. Got a friend of mine who knows about these things to fix it for me - it only cost me four cans of beer!

Re: The An Garda Siochana computer virus

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:55 pm
by Rocker
Collected the computer yesterday. Seemingly there are two ways of removing this virus, the easy way and the hard way. Mine needed the second option. A reformat of the hard drive! The repair guy installed Windows 7 and Google Chrome. The combination works faster than it did even if I have to learn how to do simple things again....

Got most of my applications working now.