WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

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WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by prolle »


Im on the lookout for a high-end stereo amp, and possibly a CD player or DAC.

Please let me know if you've anything available for sale!

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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by Rocker »

My suggestion is to decide how much you are intending to spend and then visit a specialist hi-fi dealer like Cloney Audio in Blackrock and listen to equipment in your price range. Buying something willy nilly [or because it is available] is seldom the best course of action especially for something as personal as a hi-fi system.
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by prolle »

Rocker wrote:My suggestion is to decide how much you are intending to spend and then visit a specialist hi-fi dealer like Cloney Audio in Blackrock and listen to equipment in your price range. Buying something willy nilly [or because it is available] is seldom the best course of action especially for something as personal as a hi-fi system.
Thanks for feedback, but I think that if I decide on a product a may have to wait quite a while before something becomes available on the 2nd market in Ireland.

Also, I wouldn't feel that comfortable going into Cloney Audio to listen to equipment that I never have any intention of buying from them. Maybe I should get over these feelings!
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by jaybee »

you're probably as well to suggest a budget too....

one mans high end amp is another mans mains cable..!!!
Brass Bands are all very well in their place -
outdoors and several miles away....
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by cbarone »

Prolle, you could start the system with a top quality preamp :-)
Line level Meridian 502 with MSR remote control, asking 550 euro. Its a superb preamp, fully balanced.
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by Piotr »

I can sale u my Hi End system CLASSE pre CLASSE power amp and CLASSE cd 7,5 k ;)
All best
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by tercesire »


i can offer you Vincent SP-331 power amp and Vincent SA-31 pre amp. 1100e.
23 months old, mint condition, like new, original boxes.
We can play demo.

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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by prolle »

Hi Guys,

Have secured an amp now thanks, but am looking for someting at the other end of the scale now for another room. Something 0-150 euro mark!

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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by rosski »

Would a mint Cyrus 7 interest you? Ross
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Re: WANTED: Stereo Amp / DAC

Post by JFK »

Hi , Couple questions
What colour is the Cyrus ?
Does it come with Remote and the BFA plugs ?
How old is it ..

What type of money ? Thanks John
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