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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:00 pm
by block
Saw a pair in Hong Kong last year in an expensive looking hifi shop and they really look the business so to speak. Good luck with them, I'm looking to buy an amp from eu and I am hemming and hawing over the shipping but a pair of elipsas your a bigger man than me!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:07 pm
by Diapason
It's ridiculous really, I've never even clapped eyes on a pair in real life. Oh well, I'll see them soon enough! And yes, there'll be wine.

What's the amp, block?????

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:42 pm
by block
Look wise the elipsas when you see them you think "expensive" the shop had a range of SF in a line and I was afraid to touch anything in there in case I knock something over and had to pay for it.

Want to get a devialet, they sound just so smooth but the idea of sending a few €ks across mainland Europe scares the hell out of me!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:31 pm
by Diapason
Devialet is on my short list as soon as the new speakers arrive!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:58 pm
by Diapason
The speakers have apparently arrived in Ireland, but in the process they've been through 3 different shipping companies and along the way most of my address was misplaced (only the first line remained) and my phone number had disappeared too. They're scheduled for delivery tomorrow, what's the bets they'll still be intact...?


Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:33 pm
by Adrian
As long as it has your eircode number then hopefully you should be o.k.!!!!

As for condition... best to hold judgement on that one..... but if the boxes are intact... then there is a good chance the speakers will be too.

Hopefully you will not have long to find out!

So what is the story about this postage... Italy to Germany to Ireland? I take it .... DHL / UPS / Fed Ex were not used?

Just normal post then? Poste Italiane... to An Post via Germany?

The worst story I heard was in my previous company..... they shipped out a Fuel Cell generator to Singapore. It was about 12 years ago..... on arrival there appeared to be something wrong with the unit..... two rectangular holes in the casing!!!

Some idiot had badly positioned the lifting prongs on the fork lift truck... instead of sliding under the pallet.... it penetrated the box containing the fuel cell and effectively destroyed it. Can't remember how it was resolved in the end.

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:40 pm
by Diapason
Adrian wrote: So what is the story about this postage... Italy to Germany to Ireland? I take it .... DHL / UPS / Fed Ex were not used?
No, none of the usual retail names. It was originally shipped using Fercam in Italy, who apparently deal with shipping industrial machinery and are very reliable. It then got transferred to the Dachser group, and that's when the confusion started, as the reports going back to Italy were that the speakers were going to the Dachser centre in the UK, but in reality it was Johnston Logistics (who are Dachser partners, apparently) taking them from Germany directly to Ireland. Johnston have the shipment now, and I spoke to a very helpful person on the phone, so hopefully the saga ends successfully tomorrow.
Adrian wrote:The worst story I heard was in my previous company..... they shipped out a Fuel Cell generator to Singapore. It was about 12 years ago..... on arrival there appeared to be something wrong with the unit..... two rectangular holes in the casing!!!

Some idiot had badly positioned the lifting prongs on the fork lift truck... instead of sliding under the pallet.... it penetrated the box containing the fuel cell and effectively destroyed it. Can't remember how it was resolved in the end.
Good Lord. My day was better before I heard that story!!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:20 pm
by Adrian
I think the title of this thread is funny..... because it is going to be answered in the affirmative very soon!!!!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:52 pm
by Diapason
Irish incompetence strikes again. Johnston Logistics put them on the wrong truck or some other bullshit so they're not arriving today, despite repeated assurances yesterday...

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:00 pm
by sebna
Had very similar situation with my Zingalis. After few phone calls to shipping company in UK, who were supposed to be delivering to my doorstep, they finally managed to track down where the speakers actually were and with who they actually were. The final guy in long chain of subcontractors was very unpleasant, actually plain rude to me because he was forced by the UK company to deliver the goods after keeping them in the warehouse (only few km away from the house as it turned out later on) and making empty promises to me for few days. He acted like he would be the client... what I understood back then was that when you do not go with big names like DHL and so on the goods go through many, many hands before they finally reach you. Subcontractor after subcontractor after subcontractor. Total non-sense and it is enough for one of those to be a jack-ass to ruin the whole experience. All in all my speakers arrived in perfect nick because the packaging was good so it all ended good. I am sure same will be for you :) But I can fully understand your frustration.
