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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:29 pm
by nige2000
Diapason wrote:
Ken Moreland wrote: This brings me to another old chestnut - there are close to zero women in Hifi , young or old(er)--why's that?
They have more sense?
Without doubt

Its a two sided coin though
why we care so much
and others care so little

Its not because they can't hear the difference I've tested that its just a lack of interest

But I Dont care for shoes much so....


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:39 pm
by MooseTrackz
nige2000 wrote:
sure but im sure we could put together a decent sounding system for circa 1k
even if its bought on amazon :)
Okay so you've got a grand to spend on a decent sound system what's it going to be? what components will you buy? and where from?
I assume the setup would include an amp + cd + speakers as the bare minimum.

My 1st "decent" system consisted of an integrated amp + tape deck + turntable + floor stand speakers + tuner and cost a shade over $1000.00 way back in the mists of time.

I think it will be alot harder than it sounds (no pun intended) to put together a "decent" system for that money.


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:41 pm
by Ken Moreland
I've been informed that it's an old man's game because;
They have the money for the gear,
They have time to spend on it, and
They have the location to store and play the equipment.

You'ld look well in a pair of Louboutin's , Nigel.


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:54 pm
by nige2000
OK OK maybe "decent" is a poor word to use maybe more bang for buck "mediocre" sound quality stuff rather than the cheapest shiniest most user friendly solutions
A lot of stuff is bought with no listening done its a bit scary

OK its bad I had to google Louboutin


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:02 pm
by Diapason
nige2000 wrote:OK its bad I had to google Louboutin
You're more a Manolo man?


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:08 pm
by tony
Ken Moreland wrote:How many share their gear with family? When did you last come home to find the old Jadis lit up and Quads singing to a gang of teenagers?

That would be heart attack time. Anyway no possibility of that.By the time they figured out all the switches that need to be turned on and the ramdisk rigmaroll to get the pc up they would give up and listen to the kitchen system using a simple connector from phone to amp.

The younger generation 17-30 by and large have zero interest in sound quality and I think they will carry that into and throughout adult life.
The world has just changed and video content on the phone on the go is king.

Can't get me head around Nigel in manolo's and heading out into the fields though his Mam shops in that swanky shop in Athboy so there might be a fashionista trapped within that has just got side tracked temporarily on to lifepo4 and horn speakers


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:31 pm
by james
tony wrote:
nige2000 wrote:
Ken Moreland wrote: Nobody ever sat the family down to listen to a few Talking Heads albums.
maybe as a form of punishment

For that comment the next meet up will only have TH tracks with maybe a break for the odd David Byrne composition.
Great idea -- by the way a few years ago I got the TH albums on DVD-Audio [when DVD-Audio was dead and they were selling remasterred CD's with a bonus DVD-Audio disc really cheap] and I was able to extract the 24/96 audio from the DVD's

Fot the odd DB album I suggest 'My life in the bush of ghosts'


Re: HOW OLD ARE YOU? revised!!! please redo poll

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:56 pm
by nige2000
had to add another category i shouldn't have stopped at 56+

unfortunately that buggered up the existing poll please re poll or whatever you call it:)

Re: HOW OLD ARE YOU? revised!!! please redo poll

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:13 pm
by Audioq
- Cost of high end gear today is just ridiculous compared to 20+ years ago, even allowing for inflation and I don't think it is really any better
- The difference between a "3 in 1"/music centre record player and a decent turntable was so huge it just couldn't be ignored
- There were far fewer distractions available then. No computers, 4 or 5 stations on tv (when the "piped" tv worked, if it didn't and you had to fish out the rabbits ears you got 1), no mobile phones etc
- Kids today don't know the meaning of the word bored. Transport them back to the Ireland of the 80s, that'll teach 'em


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:58 pm
by Ivor
Ken Moreland wrote:I've been informed that it's an old man's game because;
They have the money for the gear,
They have time to spend on it, and
They have the location to store and play the equipment..
I remember having a discussion on this with Noel C many decades ago and that's what he said in a nutshell. I was in buying my midrange or secondhand gear and he knew one day I'd be spending silly money on hifi and I'd still be shopping there. Markets have changed somewhat since then and I have more options to go to but his point is still valid... we reach a point in life where we have more disposable income and, if we're lucky, a dedicated room to listen to our music/system in. Happy days.