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Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:13 pm
by Maz65
I'm sorry to say Mc electronics and SF is a marriage of convenience and not more ;)

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 12:29 am
by Diapason
That's interesting to hear, Max. There are pockets of the internet that absolutely swear by Mc equipment, and I was starting to wonder if I was missing out!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:37 am
by Maz65
Here in Italy the Mc dealer is the same as SF dealer.
If you can use google translate for italian forums, you will be (not) surprised to read that every italian hifi fair in the latest 6-7 years there was no one time where any combination SF and Mc was satisfying.

Maybe the only one good I read was Mc 601 monos + C2500 + Stradivari.

I owned a C2500 preamp (a preamp with a very good phono section imho) and I tested Elipsas with Mc 452 for ten days in my home. Everything was good only at low level volume. No way: the characteristic SF bass added to the characteristic Mc bass is too much. Maybe you can solve it with an heavy room treatment, it's not for me. Or, maybe, there is some incompatibility with autoformers, really don't know.

Sure is if you go to Mc, forget the sound of your Graafs ;-)

Old school SF (which Elipsa and Stradivari are the latest one) is for SS or very good tubes. New school is more "universal" but in my sonic taste it seems some magic is lost. That's the reason because personally I prefer the latest Serblin speakers (Ktema etc.) rather than the new SF way of sound. Except Lilium and maybe the new Cremonese.

Last, I don't exclude the new series are more Mc friendly as a precise project specification ;)

It's time to go to bed ! Tomorrow is "The Great Day" :-)

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:53 am
by HiFiFan
Both Sonus Faber and McInstosh are owned by the same parent company - Finer Sounds

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:08 am
by Maz65
HiFiFan wrote:Both Sonus Faber and McInstosh are owned by the same parent company - Finer Sounds
Yes, and I want to point out that in the same parent company there is also Audio Research that imho is not the best in absolute therms but is far better than Mc when coupling with Sonus Faber. But, because here the AR dealer is not the same as SF and Mc, the Sonus Faber are not demoed with these electronics...

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:46 am
by Diapason
Brief update: I'm still loving these, listening to more music than before, and at no point have I listened to anything and thought "I preferred this with my previous speakers". I'm still shocked tbh.

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:10 am
by Ivor
Diapason wrote:Brief update: I'm still loving these, listening to more music than before, and at no point have I listened to anything and thought "I preferred this with my previous speakers". I'm still shocked tbh.
Excellent result!

Re: Does anyone own Sonus Faber Elipsas?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:19 am
by Gerry D
Brief update: I'm still loving these, listening to more music than before, and at no point have I listened to anything and thought "I preferred this with my previous speakers". I'm still shocked tbh.
Risk paid off. Terrific. Nice one.