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Re: Phono stages

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:38 pm
by Fran
I would always have advocated for valve phonostages that had a step up transformer for MC carts, but tbh, recent messing about with solid state phonostages has shown me that there are excellent results available from even humble opamp based ones. I'm not up to date at all on what is on offer out there now, having always been looking at vintage or at least older stuff, and doing diy ones. So some of your decision is based on whether you would go for something new, or newish, where you want to deal etc. I know some members here have sterling performance from a Tom Evan microgroove, an einstein, and older audio innovations P2 I think, an ayre, gold note and a whest. Lehman black cube is another one.

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:03 am
by james
I don't have any personal experience but Tom Evans and Graham Slee regularly get great reviews. However ordering anything from England seems to be a total mess at the moment with Brexit.

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 11:09 am
by Saxman
I had a MK 3 and mk4 Dynavector for the price point they are excellent and easy to adjust settings.

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:24 pm
by RichardM
Those Dynavectors are excellent VFM; they are especially good with Dynavector’s own MC’s but are good with many other cartridges too.

If you can find one, the Trilogy 906 is excellent too - s/hand they run for circa £600 in the UK (you could try a wanted ad on PFM).

Finally there are usually quite a few Rega Aria’s around on s/hand and they are very easy to sell if you need to.

Having owned all of them, you can’t really go too far wrong with any of these.

Good luck with your search!

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 3:10 pm
by Adrian
I've heard very good reports about the Arcam rPhono......

I'm not sure if it is still in production / available? But it got very good reviews and Cloney's were selling them at one stage.

In addition it was not crazy money.

Other phono stages to consider might be Musical fidelity, Project Audio etc.

However rather than going piecemeal .......... previously you mentioned looking for a amplifier with more grunt.

Some amplifiers have surprisingly very good phono stages fitted, I had a Onkyo amplifier recently and for a relatively modest amplifier it had a surprisingly good MC / MM phono stage.

I picked up a Accuphase E-206 amplifier recently and it is astounding sonically.

But regardless of what is in the middle of a system.... if you get the source (TT, CD etc) and output components (speakers) right then it all comes together nicely.

One note of caution, if buying from the U.K Brexit seems to be putting in big beware in putting money up front and then getting conned into a very long delivery time.

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:10 pm
by Diapason
You know, the more I think about it, the less inclined I am to do anything at all, as I don't want to get myself on the upgrade merry-go-round for no reason. I may keep looking at amps with phono stages to see if something slots in without demanding other upgrades, but I don't think I'll look further than that for now.

It's partly seasonal, but I just have the urge to *tinker* at the moment, and that's always dangerous. If I put it off long enough maybe I'll come to my senses again.

Re: Phono stages

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:38 pm
by DaveF
Diapason wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:10 pm You know, the more I think about it, the less inclined I am to do anything at all
That just wont do at all.