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Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:11 pm
by tony
Pm you fergus

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:48 pm
by frd1996

I've got a pair of AKG K701s and I've bought Little Dot mk3 to drive them. I must say K701s sound great but the little amp is too weak to drive them properly. The sound is spacious, with large level of details and air, however the highs are little too aggressive and the bass does not have enough mass (if you know what I mean :) ). The amp does not provide enough current IMHO. This is actually what other say about AGKs - they are really heavy to drive.

Recently I have got a pair of HD600 to test. Very natural and balanced sound. Not as spacious as with AKGs though, but they seem to match better to Little Dot.

If you would like to have a listen I'm sure we can arrange something...


Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:40 pm
by tony
Thanks I would very much take you up on that as it would be the ideal comparison given that the k701 and senns are both available from komplett.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:13 pm
by Fran
Do you think people would be interested in a kinda headphone meet up? I have a couple amps and few different sets of cans....


Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:55 pm
by tony
Hi Fran, I was waiting(hoping) for you to come online. You must have been in bloom all day in the rain.
I think its a great idea! very much like to here your thoughts/ideas on this topic.

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:55 pm
by paulb
and another site good for headphones

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:00 pm
by paulb
i just remember i saw that nando has a musical fidelity v-can headphones amp for sale at 30£ on the zerogain forum....i'd have a look at that(great value new they are @170 and wouldnt be older that 1 year)

Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:29 pm
by frd1996

No problem. I am based in Dublin, near the City. PM me and we can agree the details...


Not bad idea at all. I am considering to upgrade the headphone amp myself (if time and funds let) :)


Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:48 am
by Fran
Yeah, OK, I'll start looking into arranging a meet up.

FWIW, before yis go buying headphones, I think you should at least consider the superlux headphones from Specifically the HD681 and the HD668. Sound quality is excellent for very low price - but you will need an amp to drive them, no question - and a good amp too to get the best out of them.


Re: Headphone Amps

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:26 am
by tony
Fran the price of the superlux is similar to a basic ear plug for a walkman so even as a second pair if they didnt work out they are worth a punt.
I assume you are using a pair? I did a quick check on the akg240 that they seem to be based on. They get mixed reviews and seem to be regarded as fairly honest but lean(understand some people want that) but since I last posted checked out beyerdynamic dt770pro and 880 and they seem very good also.
Jaysus it is starting to wreck my head pardon the poor pun. There is such a selection of headphones and amps with such a huge divergence of opinion and choice and price. I was making a quick stab at getting a good quality headphone(at the uppermost of my budget) from komplett for what I regarded as a very good price for this model.I reckoned I would have them delivered by now(job over and done).

Dont get me wrong I am glad that I was pushed to investigate in different directions as it has made me think about what I want rather than rush to the candy shop for a quick fix.