FS: Stax Headphones and Energiser

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FS: Stax Headphones and Energiser

Post by DaveF »

Hi All,

I'm selling my old Stax Earspeaker and Energiser. Reason for sale is that I've moved up to a Mjolnir-Audio Electrostat amp and the Stax Omega line headphones.

I'm selling as a package and looking for 2,000 Euro. This package normally sells for 3K.

The Earspeakers are the L700 MK2's. The amp or Energiser as Stax call it, is the SRM-006ts which has a valve stage. Both are in excellent condition and in perfect working order and well looked after. Plenty of reviews online.

Sorry for the some of the picture orientation. No matter what way I rotate them, the site wont display some correctly.

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Re: FS: Stax Headphones and Energiser

Post by Tckill »

Are they available still and where are you located?
Will the energizer play off of a mola mola tambaqui or will it need amping? New to electrostats sorry!
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Re: FS: Stax Headphones and Energiser

Post by Tckill »

Still available?
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