Norma Audio 8.7B power amplifier

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Norma Audio 8.7B power amplifier

Post by Brutus1968 »

Hi everybody,

I decided to simplify my actual setup, so I am selling my beloved Norma power amplifier in the subject with the idea to buy an integrated amplifier of the same brand. This is the best amplification that I have had so far; it could be defined the iron fist in the velvet glove. I heard the Norma electronics many years ago and I had never listen to a solid state amp with such a natural sound before. So years later, when I could afford it, I decided to buy it. I have been using it together with a Manley Shrimp preamplifier (sold months ago) and a pair of Diapason Adamantes, and this has been my definitive system of the last six years. There are several reviews of the Norma electronics online and there you can also read about the philosophy of Enrico Rossi, the mind behind the brand.
the 8.7B is a 100W stereo power amp, with adjustable input impedance (you can match it with any preamplifier), balanced and single ended inputs, double speaker output for an easy bi-wiring of the speakers.
I am asking 2000 euros (not negotiable, sorry). The amplifier is in Dublin and can be tested in my system. I have the original double packaging box and I can deliver at the buyer expenses.


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Max (spin the black circle)
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