Primare I32 experience

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Primare I32 experience

Post by Kevin1 »

Hello, wondering if anyone out there has experience with the Primare I32. I have the old I30, which I like but find it a bit 'smooth' and lacking sparkle at the top. I would guess they are quite dissimilar as the I32 is class D and therefore is based on a different concept. Has anyone compared the two?
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Re: Primare I32 experience

Post by Adrian »

I can’t say I’ve compared the two amps you mention.

Sound quality depends a lot on the synergy between the amp and speakers ( in my opinion).

I’ve had a Primare power amp before, took a while to grow on me ( initial impressions were so so, nothing great going on here). But given enough time I was very impressed.

The clarity / detail coming through at low volume near field ( close proximity to the speaker) was striking.

So much so that recently I’ve picked up a I32 amp. Tried it with B&W 606 speakers and it’s ok, not great ( again I’m my opinion).

Switched the speakers to KEF Q35.2 and now very impressive. It’s a sound I’m very happy with, enjoyable actually.

So is a I32 worth it? It depends on so many factors, how close you are to the speaker, make / model of speaker, type of music you play, your age, quality of hearing etc etc.

I’m gonna say something bold, but the Copland amps seem to be the best sounding / best all rounder.

You never hear anything bad about them, and they sound great no matter what they are partnered with.
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Re: Primare I32 experience

Post by Diapason »

I didn't compare the amps either, but I borrowed an I32 soon after it came out when I had Kharma speakers and was looking for something to make them sing. I felt it sounded quite a lot like the Kharma monoblocks at a much lower price, and that was a good thing to my mind. The I32 has a dry, aloof, very controlled sound that I actually found quite appealing, but I know it's not for everybody. Bass was solid, clarity was excellent (and I love a detailed presentation) so it ticked a lot of boxes. I nearly bought it but in the end did a 180 and went for GRAAF amps instead, which were and are totally different in almost every way. Still, every time I see an I32 for sale second-hand I'm tempted. As Adrian said, though, it's not an amp that will get along with everything.

Actually, I'm rapidly coming the same conclusion about Copland, Adrian. Very very solid amps.
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Re: Primare I32 experience

Post by Kevin1 »

Thankyou both for all that. Really very helpful! I will see if I can get a listen to a Copland amp when the lockdown ends.
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Re: Primare I32 experience

Post by Kevin1 »

Any experience with the Copland CS8?
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Re: Primare I32 experience

Post by Adrian »

WRT Copland CS 8............ only one way to find out how it sounds in your room, with your music and through your speakers.

Perhaps contacting the shop for their impression of the amp would be best, tell them your speakers, source & room set up etc
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