Power Chords

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Re: Power Chords

Post by james »

Here is a design for a DIY mains cable

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Re: Power Chords

Post by Ivor »

My simple view on cables of any kind is that they do seem to make a difference. If you like that difference then great... is it worth the cost? Everyone has to decide for themselves because the gain or loss will be different in every system

If we judge an amp by the quality of its transformers (and many of us do!) is that not an acceptance that the quality of mains makes a difference?

I don't expect a mains cable to improve the electrical feed going into my system or any part of it however I don't want to degrade it either. Much the same as fuel into a car.
I do use after market mains leads, some I made myself when I got a reel of mains cable normally used by Lavardin in their amps. Peace of mind.
I also have some mains from Dalkey Audio Cables that are like a child's arm holding a plug. Peace of mind.
When I replace those leads with standard kettle lead type things I feel I lose some quality. I don't have to be right. I feel it and it's my system. Peace of mind.
When we renovated this old house in 2007 I took the opportunity to ask the electrician to run a separate spur for two double unswitched MK sockets in my listening room. Any improvements using "audiophile" mains cables since then were subtle - as I say taking out those cables and there was a less subtle loss in quality.
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.

Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable
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Re: Power Chords

Post by Saxman »

Hi All
Just a note to say Thankyou for all your comments and feedback, most interesting.
For my own part I would suggest power cables can make a difference but it is very subtle in my experience and not something that jumps out at you.
One thing I would not now do is spend a load of money on a power chord.
Thanks for input
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Re: Power Chords

Post by Georgi »

Not really necessary to spend a lot of money, as long as the wire is from a well known brand and quality, then you'll be fine.
But the gauge size of the wire Is playing a bit of a role, atleast in my experience. For different electronics /DACs, streamers, CD player, Pre-Amps/ I use one model/type cables and for the Amplifiers/Power Amps another model/type, but main difference is the gauge size of the conductor inside.
All my cables /speakers, interconnect, power/ in the system are from Furutech.
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