Free download of "audiophile" recordings... bitrate is 1411 in WAV which is CD quality. The price is right anyway.
The music is varied and generally pretty good, click on the blue logo. EDIT: The central logo, also a sampler is seriously high res with a similar eclectic mix of music
free "audiophile" downloads....
free "audiophile" downloads....
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Re: free "audiophile" downloads....
Thanks Ivor I'll have a go at that.
NigeAmp, NigeSD DAC, Airtight ATM-4, Ruark Accolades, Pink Triangle TT, Roksan Artimiz, Clearaudio Discovery, Tom Evans Microgroove Plus, Fran DAC, Dalkey Audio Interconnects.