PS Audio Sprout

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PS Audio Sprout

Post by Adrian »

Called in to see the Cloney Boys yesterday. Ivan promptly invited me upstairs to see something of interest!!!

Listening room upstairs contained two Wadia CD players, connected to a PS Audio Sprout amplifier via a 2 Phono RCA -- 3.5mm stereo jack cable. The Sprout was powering a pair of the excellent Spendor A2 speakers.

The sound from this combination could only be described as exceptional. The physical size of the Sprout (same size as a Novel book) is amazing, and it comes with a decent phono stage as well.

For a Kitchen / bedroom set up, where inconspicuous presence is required the Sprout would be a strong contender, particularly given its price at around 500 euro or so (if my recollection is correct).

While you still can, I'd advise everybody and anybody to "get in there" for a audition, even if you only have 20 minutes or so.

Let the Good Times Roll...................
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Re: PS Audio Sprout

Post by rjbreslin »

Do you follow Paul from PS Audio on YouTube. Very nice guy and he is always talking about the sprout which is his sons baby. I believe they are working an a new version.
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