I'm thinking of selling...

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I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Diapason »

You're going to think I'm crazy, and maybe you're right.

I've been thinking a lot recently about the mancave and my use of it, and the simple fact of the matter is that I never get to actually sit in there and listen. And I mean Not. Ever. This is obviously a waste of good hifi, but it's becoming clearer that it's also a waste of good space in the house. I'm seriously considering turning the mancave over to the girls for use as a playroom and this would basically mean selling all the gear. I haven't 100% decided yet, but I've been thinking about it a lot and the more I think, the more sure I become. I'm going to think about it for another week or so, but I thought I'd share now anyway.

I'm not sure whether I'll sell everything or keep some things, but I think that for this to make any sense the speakers and amp at the very least have to go. Selling the speakers will be painful, but I think it's the only way. I might keep the CDP (as the last CDP I'll ever buy, realistically) because I feel I'm unlikely to unlock much value there, but we'll see. Also going will be some pretty tasty cables and a *very* nice rack that's no longer available. There is also a selection of GIK absorption panels, Nordost Pulsar Points, Finite Elemente Cereballs, maybe some valves, random bits and bobs like that.

I haven't put this in Classifieds yet because I haven't made the decision, but I thought I'd give an early heads up in case people might be interested. I'll keep you posted.
Nerdcave: ...is no more! :(
Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
Kitchen: WiiM Pro - Wadia 151 - B&W 685s2
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Fran »

Sorry to hear that Si, but I understand in a way - when its not fun anymore, well, its not fun anymore. If you decide on going through with it, the CDP is the first thing I'd sell!! I'd buy that very nice Sony DAP that Stevo2016 is selling in classifieds and get a great pair of IEMs to boot to keep yourself listening.
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by tony »

I only got back into hifi whilst the children were growing up. Ended up in a study/boxroom listening most of the time and used headphones a lot. That time moves on an things come full circle. Really depends how much you value your current kit. It is all replaceable if you move it on with the exception probably of the Wadia. But if stuck for space isn't a dac with hard drive your better option.

Another option is to move it to the living room area. Getting rid of the Wadia cuts down the box sizes but I would suppose the SF's are too big but you would certainly swap the SF's for excellent stand mounts.

Other alternative is to spend lots of money and put a seomra at the back of the garden and store all the hifi in there!
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Diapason »

Actually, I think the "dedicated room" aspect is a large part of the problem, it's all just a bit antisocial at the moment and while I still very much enjoy listening to the gear, the opportunity to actually go in there and sit on my own doesn't present itself very often. We listen to quite a lot of music elsewhere in the house and there'll still be 2 pretty good systems on the go even if I sell all the man cave kit, so that's why I don't feel too bad about it. It's not saying goodbye to music, it's not even really saying goodbye to hifi, it's just saying goodbye to the dedicated room and the higher-end stuff for a while. Hazel has already pointed out that I'd probably get just as much enjoyment upgrading the other systems at a lower budget level, and she's probably right.

Of course, the main problem with the rest of the house is that the walls are paper thin to next door, so it would be unfair to have anything remotely decent in the living room for example that can produce proper bass. Actually, I really like the SF Signums I have in there at the mo (stand-mounters), so they'll stay on I think. I also like the headphones idea, I could get on board with that for a while. Hmmm.
Nerdcave: ...is no more! :(
Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Ciaran »

Seems logical, but... I'm stunned!!
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Diapason »

You know, those Elipsas would look great in your hifi room, Ciaran........

:) ;)
Nerdcave: ...is no more! :(
Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Ciaran »

The Electa Amators did give me a soft spot for Sonus Faber!
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Sloop John B »

Do you have any storage?

By the time your man caves returns things will have moved on but those speakers look like they will still be fine in 10 years time. I have found I have always got seriously stung with speakers, they really are a tough second hand sell.

We moved here when the youngest was 5 and up until that the Hifi was in the main room and the 3 children listened with their Dad as much as their Dad watched the Sound of Music (500 bloody times) with them. Although I could listen more with my dedicated room a bit of me missed the interaction with the kids and the music.

Go for it, they grow up quickly!

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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Adrian »

If I may suggest the following..

1) A nice Class A ~30W integrated, either Pass Labs or Luxman L590AXII or L550AXII.
2) A digital player like a Bluesound Vault II, or as mentioned a Sony unit.
3) Really nice standmount speakers, Russell K Red 100's, SF equivalent or Quadrals?

There should be plenty of room in the man cave for the kids and their toys then.

Perhaps if you were to integrate the TV audio into the amplifier, then you could have the best of both worlds, watching the kids play and listening to some good quality HiFi too. As the kids get a bit older, the Xbox / Playstation can be added to the amplifier for the all important MineCraft game.
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Re: I'm thinking of selling...

Post by Ivor »

I think Adrian's post above nails it... get a nice little system for the living room, connect up TV as well and you'll have all you need. The girls will be in their play room anyway so you'd be surprised how much time you'll have to listen. In ten years time you get the room back if you want it... but priorities and technology will have changed.
It's perfectly normal when you have small kids that your listening becomes less important and rooms can be put to other uses. It's also perfectly normal that as time moves on we drift back to Hifi, music or whatever. Go with the flow dude.
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