use new load buffer loop, have seen more effective. music have engagement. good musicality.
try it.
3.32 256 eax is shockingly good here. most real sound of all lekt? need more testing!
3.32.1 sounds like an improvement of recent versions.
3.32 is by far the best piano sound. most correct piano notes.
vocal sounds so real. focus is less forward than i would have hoped. maybe gets better after i stop browsing internet hehe
never heard piano fast notes so clearly with so much ease!
3.32 256 eax bass very good, can get emotion as bass solo presentation, deep and free. all musical track follows by its flow. there's correct effect. emotion much improved.
try test it works for you on win8.1/ws2012R2 or not.
my new OS win8.1 still not tweaked, difficult compare SQ to previous versions. seems win8.1 sound better than win8.
system and wasapi functions changed using registers and stack, can't use old tricks, lost some benefits vs win8. need re-align all code blocks. will try learn it more.