For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by Ciaran »

I remember hearing them at the show in the Burlington in ?2003?, powered IIRC by Jadis JA80s. What a sweet sound that was! Best in the show, I thought at the time, and there was some pretty serious competition.
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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3 or ATC SCM 35 Speakers

Post by cybot »


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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by Derek »

Ivor wrote:seconded. Derek had a pair for quite a while and they were the dog's danglies. They don't look as if they perform but they have an absolutely lovely sound. Serious bargain there.
Indeed I did, on approval from Cloney, and was just about to break into the auld wee piggy bank when my ears clapped on Quad 63’s and the rest as they say is history.

Mind you, same as Fran, if I had a few bob to spare I’d jump at another chance at the Audioplans
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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by halvis »

Thanks for the kind words.

Hifi+ review scans below -

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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by halvis »

Ok, there isn't much info available on the internet for these, so I am going to help you out.

The latest model mk4's retail at about £7000.00. These were purchased with damaged drivers from the original owner for €1500.00. The drivers were damaged by a faulty Lavardin amplifier, which had previously damaged other speakers as well - ProAcs I believe.

New drivers were purchased and fitted at a cost of £700.00. Therefore, the speakers currently owe the owner approx £2000.00.

We originally advertised the speakers just before Christmas last year for €2500 inc. delivery. We then didn't try again until about April this year I think, at which point we dropped the price to approx £2000. Since then we have slowly been dropping the price, but we are now at the lowest the seller is willing to sell for - €1400.

These speakers will suit a small to medium sized room and have a sensitivity of 89db and a very easy 8 ohm load. Therefore, any amplifier partnered with them will have a very easy time, they don't require lots of current or watts. So you can partner them with a little Nait or Valve amp if you please. So unlike many other vastly expensive speakers, you don't need to partner them with a vastly expensive amp.

So, you would be getting a £7k as new speaker for the price of an average B&W, Neat, ProAc, Spendor etc, etc. You could buy a very good amp for £800 to go with this, so an amp / speaker setup for about £2k which would provide years of beautiful service. I was thinking of a Naim Nait XS for sale on PFM only last week to partner with them.

The soundstage is phenomenal (the best I have heard from any speaker), the mid is a little warmer than neutral and the bass is aplenty with sweet, extended treble.

They are a max. of 6 years old apparently, but they look as good as new. The finish of the cabinet is easily the best I have seen on any other speaker and the new drivers are not even run in yet. I have the original boxes and packaging which is all in good condition, so can ship anywhere.

The only reason I am getting anxious in selling them is they keep winking at me and I am thinking more and more about taking them myself. There are only two things stopping me really -

1) We might be making my current music room into an office for two people and associated kit, so I may have to move out of that room (into which room I don't yet know). So, its a bit premature to start choosing speakers.

2) I bought the ATC amp new to go with the speakers and I am loathed to sell it on at what would be a loss. It would be wasted on the Kontrasts as they don't need an amp as good as the ATC.

So there you have it, that's pretty much all I know about them. I am confident they will go and at this price as there has been a real surge of interest since the price drop to €1400 at the weekend, it's just a matter of who will get in there first?
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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by jadarin »

Hi Halvis,
Would the seller be interested in a swap?
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Re: For Sale - Audioplan Kontrast 3

Post by halvis »

At last, speakers now sold.
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