jesuscheung wrote:uploaded lekt.exe2.99.9 256 noind MOD15
MOD15 is my favorite. it makes piano notes faster sharper more solid more body more correct. treble better. ease much better. unforturnately bass notes are lacking -> sometimes dry
original PE is best possible for bass. no need mod.
either original or the other.... difficult to choose.
noind is new best... music more correct. my new favorite.
noind MOD15 all things better > c7 MOD15. except for musicality needs more testing
very good, 2 sections are removed, sound stage more correct, cleaner. bass lesser, a bit hard but can be accetpted.
in compiler if i use /DYNAMICBASE:NO then section .realloc removed (sound more clean but less organic). => try use this for MOD, coz OS generation will lookup .realloc section, not found and angry!!
using /DYNAMICBASE:NO have big benefit, almost memory addresses are fixed, good aligned. useful for tricks. why lesser organic? will learn more...
for you if remove .realloc then what is needed next? what things are stripped?