If you are using certain DACs,this is apparently not enough to keep KS going,but my old Music Streamer 2 ,which is known for KS trouble through JPLAY plays fine here with 7.68.
Zuma with i7 IvyB 3770T-1,6GHz,WS R2 MSM ,PPA V4 card + NEC drivers,PPA Red Sata,PPA Pico,PPA power cables,RAM Crucial BT 4GB 800mHz 9-9-9-24 and 3 separate PSUs-TZYun Red USB cable-AP2 with PP -direct BNC -Metrum Octave Mk1-WAL L1-JOB 225
If you are using certain DACs,this is apparently not enough to keep KS going,but my old Music Streamer 2 ,which is known for KS trouble through JPLAY plays fine here with 7.68.
I have MS2+ in my system (never worked with MQn), so there is hope for my MS :)
Please, could you explain to me how to change device name to no-unicode characters?
Here's How it looks now in sound devices tab: "3-Music Streamer 2+""
PC: CPU Q8400, 8GB Ram, Windows 8.1 x64
DAC: HRT Music Streamer II+, Asus Xonar Essence ST (+ HiEnd DYI upgrades)
MQn 7.67+7.68 uses unicode characters,I think all non working versions between 7.54 and 7.67 use non unicode.This I suppose is strict sbgk´s territory,nothing you can do about it.And I haven´t the faintest idea of how you possibly can change device name in Windows either,perhaps the more knowledgeable on this forum can support.So I´m afraid I can´t help you out on this one,but if my MS works ,then I guess you should in principle be able to run the latest KS versions.In listwdmksdeviceses.exe my MS appears as:
0-Speakers < Music Streamer II > [Windows WDM-KS]
In Windows sound tab:
Music Streamer II
Default device
Microsoft,driver version 6.3.9600.16490,date 12.12.13
Zuma with i7 IvyB 3770T-1,6GHz,WS R2 MSM ,PPA V4 card + NEC drivers,PPA Red Sata,PPA Pico,PPA power cables,RAM Crucial BT 4GB 800mHz 9-9-9-24 and 3 separate PSUs-TZYun Red USB cable-AP2 with PP -direct BNC -Metrum Octave Mk1-WAL L1-JOB 225
7.69 and 7.70 working very well on the Hiface Dac (Xmos).
7.69 and 7.70 working very well on the Teac Dac for approximately 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds: noise (probably Teac buffer problems).