lekt wrote:need improve bass, bass a bit more hard comparing with mid and treble. i like their sound texture.
from 2.90.17 have changed compiler's setting, think need review effect. v2.90.4 good soft and vibration in 3 frequency ranges. later versions bass not much vibrates and total/summary sound seems hard.
yes! good observation.
2.95.1 also have good vibration. treble not hard. bass not hard.
s4's treble can be hard.
2.90.4 has good treble. bass good. not hard.
2.90.9 difficult to vibrate i think because treble is harder than norm?
2.90.8 vibrates more easily than 2.90.9...
2.95.1 > 2.4.3
each version have specific characteristics coz it's not correctly 100%, not hifi. will goto hifi...
vibration need delivered rational in each frequency range comparing to other range. otherwise we always feel sound soft but hard or hard but soft. wave ranges destroy (destructively) each other and rerult maybe like as too watery, too liquit...
-yes yes... treble vibrates much much better with 2.96.2x
-treble tune ok? sounds different(aggressive?). need more testing
-nos vibrates better than raw.
raw has little strain in vocal.
nos has no strain in vocal just like 2.93x
-nos feels like a better stage.
-both versions have gooood width. height enough.
i think you has busy and strain as world cup. i has also, now need more sleep, hehe...
prefer vibration style of v2.96.2 nos, good micro vibration, vocal have good feeling. but its weight seems lesser, transparency also. im making better version, very interesting with memory address/pointer, if use it mathematically it will be magic number, very big benefit for coding.
am interested in what you've been doing with conversion of getbuffer and releasebuffer to c, would you be prepared to share some info ? Is there anything from MQn you'd be interested in in exchange - hirez formats, assembly code etc ?