I listened to Solveig Slettahjell this morning with 2 tracks "Wild Horses & True Colours" and they sounded excellent with no sibilance or etch.sbgk wrote: Anymore comment about the vocals ?
Also listened to Chesky Demo, Sara K If I could sing your blues, very detailed and for me very listenable, slight edge but I could live with it and maybe further power supply improvements could improve this but the performer still feels like they are in the room which is a bit spooky....the right kind of spooky which no doubt I will adapt to!
While there is some little edge on some recordings there is a great coherence and mids and bottom end are very full and controlled.
Feels like the timing between left and right channels has locked in precisely giving an excellent soundstage and with multi instrument tracks they all really hold their own with great 3D depth.
Will be interesting to see if I can live with it for long listening sessions but for me it is a definite keeper with my setup.
Will post my folder to Dropbox when i get home this evening.
Cheers, Pearse.