Does Proof Exist That USB cables Affect Sound Quality?

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Re: Does Proof Exist That USB cables Affect Sound Quality?

Post by sima66 »

maxflinn wrote:
DaveF wrote: At the very least post some technical views as to why you think they cannot sound different.
But this is the thing, there is no evidence that they can sound different, none at all, anywhere, yet many still claim they do..

I just don't get why, personally.
Evidence is in progress! CSI is still working on it! Still waiting for the DNA results.
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Re: Does Proof Exist That USB cables Affect Sound Quality?

Post by sbgk »

if you look at this link you can quite clearly see the effect of the usb conditioning as the band snaps into focus.

The designer posts as Thorsten on Audio Asylum, has some interesting views and seems to be providing a product that has a demand.

also has a cable
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Re: Does Proof Exist That USB cables Affect Sound Quality?

Post by jkeny »

Derek wrote:OK I'll bite, why is there no proof?
The only thing you should be biting is your tongue, Derek - this is remnant of a thread crap that Maxfinn did on a PFM forum thread along with his desperado compadre, JULF
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Re: Does Proof Exist That USB cables Affect Sound Quality?

Post by Fran »

Nothing being advanced here as to why there can be no difference, or why there could be - and DaveFs post about noise riding on the line possibly, maybe, could be a factor in some circumstances is the closest.

For the record maxflinn - you are very welcome here, but obvious trolling like this is not. If you would like to present a reasoned debate, instead of asking tired questions like the original one here, then fire ahead.

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