jrling wrote:Thanks to those who posted their System Interrupt % load when playing JLP.
Although I am alone in using an Atom dual core CPU, which is of course much lower spec than current Haswell CPUs which all respondents seemed to be using, taggart's Haswell NUC still exhibited higher System Interrupt % than he expected.
The conclusion that I make, based upon inadequate data and a very small sample admittedly, is that taggart & I are using the WaveIO USB/SPDIF converter and more importantly, the Thesycon v2.15 Windows driver (their latest version) and others are not. So it is possible that Thesycon KS driver code is causing high System Interrupt % load. Whereas in MQn using Thesycon WASAPI driver code, it was not.
Not complaining though as JLP KS music is sublime. It is just that it could be even more so if System Interrupt % was lower.
ive had a quick play with thesycon drivers a while back (on others peoples dacs) minium settings cause strain especially buffer, but some other things improve like resolution
cant remember think it was min latency and the second lowest buffer i liked
but second lowest settings for both was good too (this was with mqn)
on my dac system interrupts was 0.02
i didn't look into lowering it or what effects it
i know its sort of useless info
but the small laptop type chips don't preform as well
anyway what does pentium, i5, i3 mean (one of my pet hates)
well not a lot you still have to do the homework
4 real cores would help with affinity but some say more cores more noise i dunno bout that (i get the cheaper ones incase i blow em' up)
http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu ... Hz&id=1944
http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu ... Hz&id=2020
http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu ... Hz&id=2015
http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu ... Hz&id=1924
all those figures become irrelevant if your running your cpu at 800mhz like i am then its guess work on which one to get
i dont think all one mini type pc solutions are good for audio