JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 19----
for advanced users only (had report things could go wrong)

ntfs and 2012/R2 admin account only

1. right click d, e, f drives of yours.
2. "Edit.." -> select "authenticated user" -> "Remove" -> "Apply"
SQ should increase because "authenticated user" is useless for music listening. (maybe needed for jplay two PC setup. not sure)

now this is crazy
3. "Edit.." -> select "Users" -> "Remove" -> "Apply"
4. "Edit.. -> "Add..." -> type "users" -> "Check Names" -> "OK" -> "Apply"

i thought SQ would increase with i remove "Users" because i am the only user. but SQ decreases. so i added "Users" back in. somehow SQ increases. maybe i am crazy. if you need a reasoning, i guess this is because it forces the rebuilt of NTFS index/permission table or something. so it becomes more efficient? same effect as disk defrag? who cares. try it.

don't remove "CREATOR OWNER", SQ may decrease.

have not tried to remove "SYSTEM". probably shouldn't.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 20----
THIS TWEAK IS OUTDATED. UPDATED AT viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2456&p=55023#p55023
win2012 services guide
*less services is not more SQ! (unless you know how to fix the corresponding registry settings)


keep other services untouched! SQ could mess up if not careful.

you can delete these services:
(save below as bat file and run it as admin)
sc delete AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc
sc delete "AMD External Events Utility"
sc delete AppMgmt
sc delete TrkWks
sc delete MSDTC
sc delete UI0Detect
sc delete PolicyAgent
sc delete KtmRm
sc delete MSiSCSI
sc delete NetTcpPortSharing
sc delete WPDBusEnum
sc delete SessionEnv
sc delete TermService
sc delete UmRdpService
sc delete RpcLocator
sc delete RemoteRegistry
sc delete RemoteAccess
sc delete seclogon
sc delete SNMPTRAP
sc delete SSDPSRV
sc delete SysMain
sc delete SENS
sc delete wcncsvc
sc delete WerSvc
sc delete Wecsvc
sc delete WinRM
sc delete SCPolicySvc

most of these services also deleted from audiophile version win7 of XA 1.1.


IF YOU DID DELETE THEM, RESTORE https://drive.google.com/?usp=folder&au ... lNhQ1V5NFU
Last edited by jesuscheung on Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:25 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 21----
disk cleanup

1. run disk cleanup!(even baby knows how)

2. after a year of using 2012, my c:\windows grows 10-15GB!!!! after using this command, cleaning up backups of windows updates and sh*ts, my winSxS folder went from 19GB to 9GB. NOTE: you cannot uninstall an update once you do this (but who does this anyway?)
for win8/2012
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
for win8.1/R2
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

3. delete everything in c:\windows\softwaredistribution
the side-effect should be longer time needed to windows update

4. google "Microsoft Windows Installer Clean Up", download and install it. delete everything you see.

5. google "driverstoreexplorer", download and run it. delete all backup drivers. NOTE: restart machine and go to device manager and check if anything went wrong. if so, reinstall those drivers.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by sbgk »

Found these optimisations

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1 ... 4_2_1.html

in google chrome you can select translate
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

yes. that's the XA blog.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by sbgk »

jesuscheung wrote:yes. that's the XA blog.
was looking for the majorlinkversion tweak, think you said it came from pkshan, but didn't provide a link.
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 22----

it works on exe, sys, dll.

very difficult mod. requires listening skills and technical skills.
be prepared to spend a lot of time.

i modded my soundcard driver. in my case, my driver has a total of 2 sys + 2dll. if i mod my 32bit sys, then i also need to mod my 64bit sys. otherwise SQ will increase + decrease. my other 2 dll don't need mod, according to my ears. i thought i did at first. be very very careful.

remember, modding stack&heap of a 32bit file has different positioning to 64bits file. don't get it wrong!

pkshan says you must use ultraedit as the hex editor. i told him i used Stud_PE, he said it damages SQ. and yes it did! because it also modifies other things when you save file. be ultra careful!

as an example, i modded
adobe flash
https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B9ZK ... 2ZwUkp2S28
you can test it on youtube with chrome firefox.
this mod somehow also magically fixes memory leaks of flash. (e.g. twitch.tv has memory leaks )

if SQ didn't increase, don't apply that part of the mod.

i modded a lot of recent versions of lekt player. some works. some doesn't. you must listen with ears!

good luck!
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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 23----
Outdated. continue at viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2456&p=50236#p50236

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive

BEST: for maximum SQ, they should be zero (default values) or as small as possible(critical=0, delayed=1). you don't need additional threads to consume system resources.

GOOD: if you have a lot of things going on while listening to music, increase both decimal values to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 until SQ stabilizes. more than enough additional threads will damage SQ! if you have just enough, SQ shall be sustained.

BAD: as an example to show you how harmful this tweak can be, set both values to 16 + 16 (maximum) on a idle computer. compare to 0 + 0 (default values). i will be surprised you don't lose mellowness and have earaches.

this tweak is also CPU dependent. don't take any audiophile script you see on the internet for granted. this tweak is different for everyone.

good luck
Last edited by jesuscheung on Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2491
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:09 pm

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

updated TWEAK 20 "win2012 services guide".

added a few more services to delete.
Posts: 2491
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:09 pm

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Post by jesuscheung »

----TWEAK 24----
server 2012 only (and R2)
uninstall most server features and roles. server2012 is win8 added with a lot of server features.
you should free up about 1 to 2GB of free space. SQ will improve.

only these features and roles are kept:
Display Name Name Install State
------------ ---- -------------
[X] File And Storage Services FileAndStorage-Services Installed
[X] .NET Framework 4.5 Features NET-Framework-45-Fea... Installed
[X] Ink and Handwriting Services InkAndHandwritingSer... Installed
[X] Media Foundation Server-Media-Foundation Installed
[X] User Interfaces and Infrastructure User-Interfaces-Infra Installed
[X] Windows PowerShell PowerShellRoot Installed
[ ] Windows Search Service Search-Service Available
[X] Wireless LAN Service Wireless-Networking Installed
[X] WoW64 Support WoW64-Support Installed
[ ] XPS Viewer XPS-Viewer Available

1. type "start powershell" in command prompt.
2. copy and paste these into the powershell

uninstall-windowsfeature -name AD-Certificate -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name AD-Federation-Services -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name ADLDS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name ADRMS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Application-Server -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name DHCP -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name DNS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Fax -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name NPAS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Print-Services -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Internet-Print-Client -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name NFS-Client -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name RDC -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name NET-Framework-Features -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Hyper-V -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name RSAT -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name VolumeActivation -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Web-Server -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WDS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name UpdateServices -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name BitLocker -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name BitLocker-NetworkUnlock -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name BranchCache -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Data-Center-Bridging -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name EnhancedStorage -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Failover-Clustering -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name IPAM -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name ISNS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name LPR-Port-Monitor -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name ManagementOdata -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name MSMQ -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Multipath-IO -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name NLB -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name PNRP -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name qWave -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name CMAK -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name RPC-over-HTTP-Proxy -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Simple-TCPIP -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name SMTP-Server -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name SNMP-Service -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Subsystem-UNIX-Apps -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Telnet-Client -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Telnet-Server -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name TFTP-Client -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Biometric-Framework -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WFF -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Windows-Identity-Foundation -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Windows-Internal-Database -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WAS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Windows-Server-Backup -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Migration -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WindowsStorageManagementService -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WSRM -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name Windows-TIFF-IFilter -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WinRM-IIS-Ext -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name WINS -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name File-Services -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name GPMC -remove
uninstall-windowsfeature -name BITS -remove

3. type "get-windowsfeature" in powershell
check to see if anything else you would like to uninstall. especially for you are using R2. there will be more crap to uninstall.
Last edited by jesuscheung on Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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