you cannot just send data from MQn straight from one computer to another computer. audio stream must go through WASAPI channel. it is part of the measurement. you need to code a fake 'audio driver' to recieve the data as though it is a real DAC. once the fake DAC receives the data, save it.LowOrbit wrote:You are right JC - but there are better ways to go about this. Use a second computer to capture the output from the audio PC, running one player (or one version of MQn), then repeat using another version of MQn. Measure the differences between the two captures.jesuscheung wrote:to be honest. if not impossible, it is very difficult to measure using software method. just think about it- measurement will always interfere with the observation. in the other word, measurement will alter the audio output. assume error of audio output exists, i guess you can fake a audio driver, MQn will pipe/stream data into the fake 'audio driver', which has a database to record data at every nanosecond. from there and interpret the recorded results any way you like it... very difficult to code.
to measure true audio of MQn, think you need a hardware setup.
The trick is figuring out what to measure and how!
the thing is that, think about it, the more accurate you measure, the bigger the interfere of the original audio. the measurement software will be worse than a having firewall, which has the same function(intercept every network packet). in the other word, the measurement will compete for OS resources/CPU cycle/memory with MQn. you will end up measuring bad audio!
perhaps you need a 2 XEON cpu board.