hi, mine i bought with Siemens el34 NOS, ohhh God exists, the other i bought in ebay, i recommend GE 5751 the black plates 3 mica (less gain but superb, far better than Sylvanias 3m , miniwatt, etc), the RCA ecc82 are also very good.Sligolad wrote:I am out of the country for another week RLRB but when I get back next week I will send you scans of the manual.
Where did you buy your valves from?
Spoke with Tom Willis (the designer) by phone regarding a re-valve but Toms clock runs slower than mine and last time I spoke with him he was taking some time off and I agreed to get back to him one of these months when he is back in the saddle!!
One important thing, in Spain the current is 230 V and can legally vary (chnaged from 220 to 230 a few years ago), the amps were designed for 220 v and before i made a change the tubes were red glowing, i contacted with Sowter (of sowter transformers) and send me schematic to set the amps in 240 V and no more red glowing. it needs to open the amp and a little soldering, it worths, i dont know if you have this issue. this is very important. Do you have replaced caps?