Farewell to HMV

For everything else..... try not to spill your drinks OK?
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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:25 am

Re: Farewell to HMV

Post by Alltheyoungdudes »

jaybee wrote:. Fine Gael's biggest disappointment to me has been their utter lack of gonads in tackling rent reviews....
...and the bloody begging, especially in Dublin of late. I don't think I can be the only person who is getting totally fed up with the constant requests for "spare change". (Sorry, but I work hard all week for not all that much money...I really don't need to be confronted by everyone's problems when I go to an ATM - which at times tells me I have, "insufficient funds." Much as I prefer a day out in the city centre, I can see why more and more people opt for places like Dundrum, where this kind of harrasment is non-existant.
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