Anyone planning to go to this over the weekend?
Think I'll be there on the Sunday at some point although the great weather might decide otherwise.
Dublin High End Show
Dublin High End Show
"I may skip. I may even warp a little.... But I will never, ever crash. I am your friend for life. " -Vinyl.
Luxmann PD-151 TT, Hana ML cart, Parasound JC3 Jr, Stax LR-700, Mjolnir Audio KGST, Quad Artera Play+ CDP
Luxmann PD-151 TT, Hana ML cart, Parasound JC3 Jr, Stax LR-700, Mjolnir Audio KGST, Quad Artera Play+ CDP
Re: Dublin High End Show
Sunday morning/afternoon for me. I have to leave all credit cards at home and can only bring just enough for a cup of coffee and a Cadburys Snack.
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable
Re: Dublin High End Show
Will hopefully make it on Sunday myself for an hour or two.
Nerdcave: no more!
Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
Kitchen: WiiM Pro - Wadia 151 - B&W 685s2

Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
Kitchen: WiiM Pro - Wadia 151 - B&W 685s2
Re: Dublin High End Show
I hope to get there at some stage over the weekend. Looking like Sunday also.
I'll be the one wearing the blue Stage Lighting Centre jacket and just looking, not buying!!!
I'll be the one wearing the blue Stage Lighting Centre jacket and just looking, not buying!!!
Re: Dublin High End Show
Will try and do a quick recce tomorrow and if it looks interesting I will have a more considered run on sunday.
Still can not decide whether to leave the CC at home or not though....and they say wisdom comes with age*^% NOT!
Still can not decide whether to leave the CC at home or not though....and they say wisdom comes with age*^% NOT!
SD Card DAC, Gryphon Essence Mono's & Pre Amp, Wilson Alexia 2 Speakers,VPI Scout 2 & Supatrac arm, Studer A812 R2R.
SD Card DAC, Gryphon Essence Mono's & Pre Amp, Wilson Alexia 2 Speakers,VPI Scout 2 & Supatrac arm, Studer A812 R2R.
Re: Dublin High End Show
Sat afternoon for me if I can make it all. Quick browse no purchases. Unfortunately since joining this site a new upgraded arcam idoc with remote control doesnt quiet cut the mustard anymore. It's like the coffee machine/grinding process. Much cheaper when one wasnt aware
GroupBuySD DAC/First Watt AlephJ/NigeAmp/Audio PC's/Lampi L4.5 Dac/ Groupbuy AD1862 DHT Dac /Quad ESL63's.Tannoy Legacy Cheviots.
- Ken Moreland
- Posts: 814
- Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:47 pm
Re: Dublin High End Show
Tomorrow morning if the old feet hold up. Walked 27km along the Royal Canal from Enfield to Killucan with some friends. ... 88/photo/1 The hound did it too including swimming and drinking in the canal.
i5 QuietPC , JplayFemto , Singxer SU-6 , Holo Audio Spring DAC ,LAB12 Preamp, Roundtree Mono Amps, Rosso Fiorentino Elba 2 Speakers
Re: Dublin High End Show
Sunday afternoon for me most likely. Sounds like a lot of cool stuff to have a listen to!
Re: Dublin High End Show
Sound. We'll do coffee!Claus wrote:Sunday afternoon for me most likely. Sounds like a lot of cool stuff to have a listen to!
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable