Audio Note M Zero, anybody?

giant haystacks
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Re: Audio Note M Zero, anybody?

Post by giant haystacks »

hi you were mentioning rothwell -he was an ex alphason engineer who has a single ended el84 amplifier which can be used in mono for 2 channels and a solidstate amp something similar -a moving coil step up and a ecc83 phonostage-he is mostly spoke about for attenuators i gave one of these to noel cloney and he loves it it had 2 switches connected by wires one give big steps and the other fine steps
andrew rothwell also has does little plugs which you plug into the back of your pre amp and then put your interconnect intothe plug and this attenuates your gains if you dont plan on any diy this would be an option also he would be farmiliar with this problem and could offer his advise to you
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