Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

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Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by Smashey »

Hello gang

Looking at the recent batch of Naxos CDs for sale in the classified section had me in a quandry...

I recently purchased Rodrigos' Concierto De Aranjuez (same as the one featured in the classified sale) but had problems with my Cyrus CD6SE when it came to playing it. Despite some peoples experiences with the SE range, I've hardly any CD's my player won't read - "Rockferry" from Duffy is one problem child that springs to mind.

The original Naxos CD just wouldn't read, but once I copied a bit perfect (hopefully!) image to a recordable CD the copy plays without a problem. The original plays on other decks without complaint.

I'm wondering if anybody else out there has had similar problems. The Spanish Guitar CD is actually my one and only Naxos CD to date and I'm not sure if investing in more CD's from their catalogue will cause me further headaches or if this was just an isolated issue?

Your thoughts?

Cheers - Mike
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Re: Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by fergus »

That is very interesting Smashey as I am starting to look at CD players and the Cyrus range was one of my options and I was not aware that this was an issue! This would certainly cause me concern if this was a general issue!!
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Re: Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by Smashey »

Hello Fergus

Don't beleive everything you read - especially not from me!

I've checked through my collection and I have acouple of other Naxos CDs (including a wonderful "History of Classical Music" Sampler) that play no bother. As I've said I haven't really had much trouble with my early CD6SE when it comes to playing discs, the 2010 players are even better in this regard. Out of 800+ CD's I've only had problems with a couple, and yes once the 6SE arrived it did encourage me to run through the whole collection!

I'd strongly recommend you have a listen to one, I can't recommend them highly enough. The 6 is so far ahead of the pack when it comes to sub €1k cd players it's not funny.

Enjoy. Mike
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Re: Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by fergus »

Cheers for that Mike. I know that the Cyrus CDPs do come highly recommended which is why I have put them on my investigation list (only at very early stage of the decision making process) but I have always been a very big fan of what Naxos do and I would have quite a number of Naxos CDs in my collection (and still continue to buy them) so even a "small" issue in this regard could be a problem for me. I will do some more research on this one.
As a matter of interest what other CDPs did you consider (if any) before you settled on the Cyrus?
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Re: Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by Smashey »

Hello Fergus

If you have worries I'd suggest you bring your Naxos discs along to any audition. As I said the 2010 version of the SE's have addressed problems with the occasional disc.

I'd done the audition round with the older CD6vs2 machine just before the SE came out and for me it topped players from Arcam (CD37), Cambridge (Azur 840), Roksan (Kandy 2), Myryad (?) and Yamaha (CDP1000). Of the also rans, the Roksan came closest to swaying me. With the arrival of the SE though, the decision became a lot easier.

I believe new players from Music Fidelity and Naim are worth a listen too.
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Re: Naxos CD's and Cyrus SE cd players

Post by fergus »

Thanks for all of that Mike and everything that you have said is duly noted. It is great to see that you were so decisive and have obviously enjoyed your decision. Best of luck with it!
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