Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

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Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by billbarrett »

Hopefully someone here can help with the following. I purchased a Jadis Orchestra Second hand From a member of the old Cloney Site . The left channel has continued to trip and blow the fuse on that side. My local engineer ( who grew up servicing valve equipment ) switched the transformers around and the fault travelled with them. so a new transformer was purchased ( having supplied model and serial numbers to both Cloney's and Jadis) , but the new transformer
is a different type than the one in the original. I regret Cloney audio have not been very helpful saying that in 30 years with Jadis this is the first such incidence of a blown transformer he has seen .. There are a number of such happennings listed on various forums across the web , Any way, I wonder does anybody have any idea where I might Get a Wiring diagram for the orchestra that will show where the relevant connections go, as Jadis will not help in this regard
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Re: Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by cybot »

Hi Bill. Sorry to hear about the Jadis.A man who might be able to advise you would be Glenn Croft at Croft Acoustics. Send him an e-mail and see what happens....

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Re: Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by tony »

Quote from review in 1998 http://www.audiophilia.com/hardware/orchestra.htm

Jadis has a remarkable entry-level product here. It completely puts to rest the myth of Jadis reliability and affordability. It is on an entirely different plane from other audio components, and I suppose, in the end, that is what Jadis is all about. Their pursuit is music and the most natural reproduction of sound they can possibly achieve. Don't be afraid to treat yourself. Life's too short.
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Re: Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by Fran »

See this thread:
http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/tubes-va ... dwire.html

This fella has back-engineered the orchestra for a PCB rather than hardwired. He might be worth contacting and seeing could he give you a schematic.

But, a few further questions:

From reading your post - it must be the output transformer that's gone rather than the power transformer? It should be very easy to figure out the connections, as the speaker connections from the output transformer will probably measure either 4 or 8 ohms (with a multimeter) but the primary side (ie the high voltage side) will measure say 8 or 10K ohms. If you have the known good one there, you can match it up even if there are multiple taps on the new transformer.

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Re: Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by Adrian »

Hi there,

Just a query, when you say the new transformer is a different type to the old transformer, what do you mean by that?

Are they different shapes, or sizes or different coloured wires or different measured values etc?

For example some transformers are torodial, others are E&I designs etc.

Assuming that the new transformer is compatible with the original unit then Frans suggestion of measuring the terminations is the way to go.

Best to draw up a table on paper, measure the values of the original working transformer, write down the readings methodically. Then do the same for the new transformer terminations etc.

Then you have a sort of truth / comparison table where you can match terminations on the units even though the terminations might be different coloured wires, for example on the working transformer primary windings might be red and black, but on the new unit they might be yellow and grey etc.

For fitting the new unit, if you are going to use the soldering iron yourself, make sure it is the correct power rating, there is a slight danger of causing heat damage to new components if using a Iron with too much power.

If the values are different, then perhaps they have given you the wrong type of transformer. In which case it would have to be sent back.

Have you measured the original blown transformer, and compared it to the unit which is working?
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Re: Jadis Orchestra Transformer Problems

Post by billbarrett »

Chaps, your suggestions will be passed on to my engineer as he has a hell of a lot more knowledge on these things than I . thanks
UPDATE Jadis have sent wiring diagrams etc of the Jadis circuits hopefully music will not be too far away .. THANKS Due to the Efforts Of Noel Cloney
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