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Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:23 pm
by bod
Hi folks,

Long shot - but does anyone have such a device they would be willing to loan/rent or flatten some records for me please? Happy to pay a fee or payment in kind (records/beer/wine etc.!).


Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 6:12 pm
by Cyndale
There is a guy in Cork who does record flattening and cleaning. He uses super expensive equipment for both. Here is a link...

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:34 am
by bod
Cheers. I knew about that service alright. Between posting stuff to Cork and what they charge it`s not really a runner. At €15 per lp for one cycle he`s having a laugh imo :-). The little voice in my head is telling me to buy a machine...the sensible voice is telling me to put the lp between two flat surfaces with plenty of weight on top and leave close to a radiator for a few days. Worked before no problem, but not exactly scientific! Thanks again and best wishes to everyone for Crimstats and the New Year. Cheers, Dave.

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:47 pm
by Fran
There are a good few guides online on how to do it with plate glass and domestic ovens. Obviously care is needed :)

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:57 pm
by Thor
What about a collective board purchase of a Vinyl Flat from the States?

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:04 pm
by bod
I`ve been looking at buying one of those Vinyl Flat jobs for ages. Might just bite the bullet as the Orb one is around €1500...If I could afford/justify one, I`d get it tomorrow! But here on Planet Earth, there are more important things that require my attention unfortunately :-). Between shipping and duty it should come in at under €300 - still a fair wedge for an accessory, but I think I have enough warped records to justify it. I recently got two King's X lp`s (new), that are so warped it`s crazy. As these are limited to 500 numbered copies, I hate having to send them back to Svart records. They then have to eat the cost, plus I may have to pay to send them back. Either way everyone loses and chances are the entire run is warped so a replacement would probably be the same. These records were even shrinkwrapped inside the gatefold - not in the actual sleeve so the only way the could have warped is either not being let cool down long enough or some numpty left them near a radiator or something. Anyway, as the old saying goes "it`s the aggravation and expense that I like most about records!". There would be no issue if digital wasn`t so crap ;-0. I hope all of ye are having a lovely Christmas Day. Cheers, Dave.

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:00 pm
by TrickyDicky
Seems like it's the ideal item for a group buy (if we could all agree on model). It's not like a RCM that we use on a weekly basis (one or two days every 6 months would do me just fine).
I'm willing to throw 100/150 towards a group buy of an Orb if there's 12/15 like minded souls.
Would be certainly cheaper than using the Cork service for the bits that I have that could do with a little flattening.
Any interest?

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 2:35 pm
by bod
Good afternude everyone. Just a note to say that I bit the bullet and the VinylFlat arrived today (Murphy dictated that of course, a used one would show up on PinkFishMedia as soon as I ordered a new one from the US with all of it`s delightful FedEx/Duty shenanigans!). Anyway, I`ll see how I get on and report back. As soon as I get through the pile I need to do first (and suss out the best time/heat setting etc.), I`d be happy to help out anyone here. Cheers, Dave.

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 9:45 am
by Thinkfloyd
Really interested to hear how you get on! I've got one collectable record that ended up bent in half at the bottom of a mail sack in my office over covid, wonder if it'd be up to the challenge!

Re: Wanted: Loan/Rent of LP flattening machine

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 11:45 am
by bod
I have successfully flattened a crazily warped 35 year old lp. Took a few go`s as I had to 'sneak up on it' time wise. Time, not heat is the key it seems. So, the lowest setting for 2.5 hrs made a completely unplayabe lp perfectly flat. As every record is different, I err on the side of caution and start at 1.5hrs, then increase at 10 or 15 minute intervals, as overcooking would defeat the purpose! A 40 year old Dixie Dregs lp is cooling down at the moment. Again, I had to sneak up on this one too, as timewise working up to 2hrs made no odds. Using The Force I reckoned 2.5hrs should be ok. We shall see :-). Happy to try fix your lp ThinkFloyd - I am super careful and will not risk damaging anything. PM me to organise. Cheers, Dave.