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Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 8:15 pm
by Seán
I am having problems with my Primare I21 integrated amplifier, I have approached the HiFi Hospital (in Kells) and they have told me that they do repair Primare's. I haven't had time to bring it out to Kells yet but I will do so as soon as I can.
I have had the amp playing or on standby since I bought it in 2006, that is to say that I rarely if ever power it off. A few weeks ago I noticed a loud clicking noise from the amp and that caused interruptions with the sound, I haven't heard those noises for a few weeks now. There are times when I turn the amp on that it doesn't work, there's no sound. I have experimented with turning the power off and on occasion if I power it off or leave it on standby I find that the amp may or may not work the next tine I try to use it again but sometimes it does work.
Last Thursday I turned the amp on, it worked and I listened to music. I have left it on ever since and it now works every time I try to use it. It's a strange one.
My question is do you know if there is any disadvantage to my leaving the amp on all the time?
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:34 am
by Derek
Hi Seán,
Hopefully the problems you're having will prove to be small.
Is the clicking noise directly from the amp or do you hear it through the speakers?
It could be just a dirty on/off switch. Working the switch without it plugged in could clean it.
I found my midrange driver in one of my speakers not working, it near gave me a heart attack, these drivers are no longer available.
It turned out to be the jumpers not having been cleaned in many a long year. A quick clean, check over and refit did the job.
I took this as a good time to clean all the contacts I could see including power cable plugs, interconnects etc.
I too leave on my solid state gear on standby.
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:29 pm
by Adrian
Intermittent faults can be difficult and time consuming to track down.
I think the I22 is a class D Amplifier, so it is very energy efficient, but from photos of the internals on the www it has a number of internal pcb boards. Probably the fastest way is to start replacing boards until the issue is rectified.
As Derek mentions, it could also be a simple issue as a switch which requires cleaning?
If it has been in continuous operation since 2006, that really is some going!! If you really like the amplifier then perhaps returning it to Primare for a full overhaul would be best. Alternatively, perhaps it might be more economical to invest in a new amp for the next 20 years?
Leaving equipment on...... I suppose it's a personal issue, I always switch stuff off, out of habit I suppose but I also feel strongly about fire safety. But then again... the fridge is always operating!!
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:47 pm
by Fran
There are a lot of different things this could be - and I'd say a visit to the hospital is in order. Most likely the switch on that unit isn't an older push button latching switch, but rather when you press the switch, it turns on a relay - this might lift the mute on the outputs, or supply voltage to the circuit and so on.
Its worth at least getting it looked at, and then you'll know for sure one way or another. At least Primare are in the EU so no big issues (!) with shipping if you do decide to go that route.
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:29 pm
by Seán
Hi Derek, the clicking noise was very loud and was from the amp. I heard that at the start of the problem but I haven't heard it for a few weeks now. The I21 is driving a pair of System Audio SA1750's and all the drivers are working. I have checked for loose connections but they all seem to be okay.
And yes Adrian I do really like the Primare. I don't much fancy returning it to Sweden though so I think as Fran has advised, a trip to the hospital is the best course of action. The Primare I15 is the obvious replacement but I'd rather not do that if I can avoid it.
There may indeed by a problem with the button on/standby switch. I was able to listen to music earlier this evening so it's continuing to work if I don't power it off or put it on standby I will leave the amp on (not on standby) for now and try and get it to the hospital within the next few weeks.
Thanks guys.
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:28 pm
by Fran
On the plus side, at least you know its still working OK, and it is limited to this one problem.
Re: Advice sought on Leaving an amp on all the time
Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:07 pm
by Ivor
I can only echo everything said above Séan, my own approach is to leave solid state equipment on 24/7 and valve or SS/valve hybrid get turned off. Valves have a definite life span so they should spend their useful time entertaining me!
a friend of my father's back in the day was a a TV repair man and he carried with him as many power switches of popular models as he could because back then it was obviously the most used part and most likely to break down.
If I'm away for a few days and turn off a phono stage, DAC, preamp or whatever it does seem to take a little time to come back to it's best again.