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Wanted: Arcam Power Amp. P85 or better

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:36 pm
by DNT
I would like to bi amp my setup. Currently I have an A85 in preamp mode and a P85 bi wired to SA1550 speakers. A modest setup by the standards of some on the forum but I enjoy listening to it. I’d like to try out the bi amp option with two full power amps. Anybody got anything to tempt me?


Re: Wanted: Arcam Power Amp. P85 or better

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:14 pm
by Brutus1968

Have you ever tried using Y rca cables and connecting the pre out of the integrated with its power section on one end, and the power amp on the other end? I think there is no risk doing that.



Re: Wanted: Arcam Power Amp. P85 or better

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:14 am
by DNT
Thanks Max. That’s certainly an interesting idea. I never thought of it. Currently I’m trying out a different layout with the A85 as a power amp driving the base, the P85 driving treble and mid, and an AVR100 as a preamp. However my preferred option would be matching P85 power amps if I can get a second one. Thanks for your suggestion.