So, after considering it throughout last year, I took the plunge before Christmas and traded in my Sonus Faber Amati Futura’s for a pair of Wilson Audio Alexia’s. A used pair of Series 1’s in Dark Titanium finish which are 3 years old. I took delivery of them a couple of days before Christmas and the first big adventure was just getting them in the front door! The crates with the bass units weighed an absolute ton and defeated all efforts to lift them up the porch steps. Luckily enough, the bass units inside are on castors so ended up opening the crates outside, tilting them up and (slowly!) rolling them out onto the step and in…
There is quite a procedure to setting the Alexia’s up but must say the Wilson Audio manual is really comprehensive. So didn’t take as long as I had anticipated. From a styling perspective, it’s probably fair to say that not all may like the quite distinctive Wilson aesthetics. Form does indeed follow function. In comparison to the original Wilson models, I do however think the current crop, including the Alexia, have been designed with outward appearances a little higher up the list. Purposeful yes, but with some nice curves and an absolutely first class finish. There is a serious hewn from granite feel to the cabinets and the Dark Titanium finish suits very well. Having said that, my better half was somewhat crest fallen that the Amati Futura’s had gone as she far preferred their more classic looks.
The Alexia’s also occupy more floor space and are somewhat taller than the Amati’s. The room dimensions are probably just about sufficient and with a high vaulted ceiling so they don’t visually/sonically overpower the room. Although that might be just my opinion as the better half tends to roll the eyes a little when I claim they fit in nicely…
After having dialled them in to focus on the best listening position and also replaced the castors with the provided spikes, I’ve spent a few weeks now revelling in their abilities. In comparison to any other loudspeaker I’ve previously owned or demo’d, their resolution is outstanding. It’s not that they sound forensic, just that they give a really transparent window into the mix. The open and airy presentation comes across as very natural, not hyper-fi, and with a real freedom across the spectrum. It is their ability to sound so devoid of congestion that really grabbed me when I first heard them. As well as their massive scale. They can effortlessly fill the room, with a dynamic capability that is well beyond what I’ve previously experienced. It’s this combination of scale, of their resolving power, the capturing of all nuances coupled with a perfect sense of timing as the notes arrive that really makes the performance feel alive and palpable in the room.
When reading up on them, I noted that they can be a difficult load with a very low impedance dip. I had first heard them with a pair of McIntosh valve amps and they seemed to have no issues controlling the Alexia’s, even though the MC275’s are not particularly high powered. And my experience with the Jadis JA200’s driving them has shown no problems either. Even at ridiculous SPL’s... In fact, because of their dynamic yet natural, open and unforced presentation, I’ve noted that I now seem to listen consistently at higher volumes than before. At a level that may have become fatiguing before but which now, with the Alexia’s, just draws you in ever closer to that feeling of being at the venue.
The Alexia’s were quite a revelation for me when I first auditioned them early last year. I’d heard earlier Wilson models over the years and never took a liking to them. For me, the sonics back then appeared quite forced at both ends of the spectrum with an analytical approach that undid the enjoyment of the superior scale and dynamic presentation. Perhaps this may have been down to their pairing with some specific solid state amps. Or perhaps some of the newer drivers and time alignment capabilities of the Alexia’s mean that the experience at the listening seat is a far more natural one.
Overall, certainly very happy that I decided to include the Alexia’s in an audition that was really meant to focus on some other loudspeakers. And that what I enjoyed so much in that initial audition has now translated in spades into what they give with the Jadis amps in my front room. Simon, despite your chuckling at the sentiment, they won’t be going anywhere as that’s it on the upgrade front!!
Wilson Audio Alexia's
Wilson Audio Alexia's
Chord Electronics DAVE - Aesthetix Calypso - Pass Labs XA100.8 - Wilson Audio Alexia - Nordost Quattro Fil/SPM
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
I was waiting for this review! I had the pleasure of hearing them in situ on New Year's Eve, and as I said to Steve that night, it's nice to upgrade to a component that's so obviously superior in every single way. I loved the Amati Futuras in Steve's setup, for a long time I thought that was one of the best systems I'd ever heard. But now it's better. You can forget about the usual hifi explanations, they're not necessary.
Of course I don't believe Steve at all when he says this is the final upgrade, but I suspect these will stay for a while...
Of course I don't believe Steve at all when he says this is the final upgrade, but I suspect these will stay for a while...
Nerdcave: no more!
Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
Kitchen: WiiM Pro - Wadia 151 - B&W 685s2

Sitting Room: Wadia 581SE - Rega Planar 3/AT VM95ML & SH - Bluesound Node II - Copland CSA 100 - Audioplan Kontrast 3
Kitchen: WiiM Pro - Wadia 151 - B&W 685s2
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Great move Steve and Wilsons or Vandersteens would be my final destination in speakers if and when that opportunity ever arrives.
I am looking forward to hearing them again in Munich this year to remind me of that scale and being there feeling when listening to such great speakers.
Hope the Amati's went to a good home as they did look stunning.
I am looking forward to hearing them again in Munich this year to remind me of that scale and being there feeling when listening to such great speakers.
Hope the Amati's went to a good home as they did look stunning.
SD Card DAC, Gryphon Essence Mono's & Pre Amp, Wilson Alexia 2 Speakers,VPI Scout 2 & Supatrac arm, Studer A812 R2R.
SD Card DAC, Gryphon Essence Mono's & Pre Amp, Wilson Alexia 2 Speakers,VPI Scout 2 & Supatrac arm, Studer A812 R2R.
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Absolutely delighted to know somebody here has a pair of these bad boys! Very much"destination" speakers in my humble opinion. Enjoy Steve, a few pics of them "in situ" would be good...
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Thank you gents. Yes, the idea is indeed that the destination speakers have now arrived and that's that. Simon, stop laughing.
I'd agree that they are indeed so noticeably superior to the Amati's that it does seem to be the most standout upgrade of any component that I can remember making. Which, when it comes to diminishing returns, is perhaps a surprising thing to say.
Ivor, I will indeed get around to taking some pics and posting them.
Enjoy Munich Pearse! Look forward to hearing about the experiences....
I'd agree that they are indeed so noticeably superior to the Amati's that it does seem to be the most standout upgrade of any component that I can remember making. Which, when it comes to diminishing returns, is perhaps a surprising thing to say.
Ivor, I will indeed get around to taking some pics and posting them.
Enjoy Munich Pearse! Look forward to hearing about the experiences....
Chord Electronics DAVE - Aesthetix Calypso - Pass Labs XA100.8 - Wilson Audio Alexia - Nordost Quattro Fil/SPM
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Some photo's. Clearly not an experienced photographer so apologies for the poor lighting!
- Attachments
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- DSC_0598.JPG (96.73 KiB) Viewed 8132 times
Chord Electronics DAVE - Aesthetix Calypso - Pass Labs XA100.8 - Wilson Audio Alexia - Nordost Quattro Fil/SPM
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Pure porn. I'm at a funny age. They look absolutely fantastic. Wear well.
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Tellurium Q spkr cable
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Very nice, congrats.
SonicTransporter Optical i9, Roon, opticalRendu, Sonore Signare LPSU, Chord DAVE, Merrill Audio Element 116 Monoblocs, Wilson Audio Sasha 2
- Sloop John B
- Posts: 529
- Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:35 am
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
As a Whovian, I’m mighty impressed!
Re: Wilson Audio Alexia's
Thanks guys. Had to google Whovian. And had a good chuckle. More than a few Dalek comments from visitors on first sight!
Chord Electronics DAVE - Aesthetix Calypso - Pass Labs XA100.8 - Wilson Audio Alexia - Nordost Quattro Fil/SPM