Price Drop! Einstein Phono Stage - offers around €2000!

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Price Drop! Einstein Phono Stage - offers around €2000!

Post by Ivor »

Further and extensive research has revealed that while there are very few of these units for sale second hand the tend to drop in price after a few months…. I’m happy to sell this phono stage at nearer €2000. Few enough are available in Euro so having converted from krona, yen and various other exotic currencies €2000 would be the market rate. A huge bargain.

I’ve always said that the true value of a piece of equipment is only known when you remove it… While I’ve replaced the Einstein with a very high-quality phono stage, I’m aware of its personality – the Einstein disappears into your system. It does its job and never blinks.

I noticed in a recent Stereophile article -

"I also had the pleasure of meeting Ortofon's COAR (Chief Officer Acoustics and Research) Leif Johannsen in, yes, the Ortofon room at the MOC...
...Johannsen told me that the equipment in the room's system is the same setup he uses for his engineering and testing at Ortofon in Denmark: a TechDAS Air Force V Premium turntable (heading photo), Einstein and Mark Levinson amplification, including a Levinson No523 preamplifier with class-A phono stage and a Levinson No534 stereo amplifier"

Given the size of the box this is housed in I’d rather not have to post it anywhere! It does have the wooden crate, the impedance plugs, separate power supply and white cotton gloves

The photos are not of my own unit simply because the phone on my camera is borked (it’s an industry term) but I will add those asap.

Technical data of the Turntable's Choice phono stage from Einstein Audio
- Gain of 68dB (2500x)
- S/N ratio typically 76dB
- THD < 0.03%
- Star-grounding (the stereo version too uses discrete dual-mono floating power supplies)
- passive RIAA equalization
- Adjustable impedance loading
- Discrete architecture (24 monolithic transistors per channel)
- High-current output stage with low 50-ohm output impedance
- Output voltage > 5V, balanced 10V
- External power supply (the fully balanced version has twin power supplies)
- Resonance-free vibration-optimized chassis
- Dual-mono architecture

A google search will throw up lots of reviews and information on this wee beast but here’s a typical one ... ein-Audio
einstein-the-turntable-foto-bild-r120088138.jpg (18.46 KiB) Viewed 2874 times
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Re: “expressions of interest” in an Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Fran »

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Re: “expressions of interest” in an Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Derek »

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Re: “expressions of interest” in an Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Derek »

Considering that Einstein was never leaving your place, it's a bit-of-a-jaw-dropper to see it listed. Its' a great piece of kit.
F5Pi Amp(Nelson Pass design), Airtight ATM-4, Ruark Accolades, Pink Triangle TT, Roksan Artimiz, Clearaudio Discovery, Tom Evans Microgroove Plus, Audiolab 6000 CDT, Fran DAC, Dalkey Audio Interconnects.
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Re: “expressions of interest” in an Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Fran »

The Einstein is a savage bit of kit. If you sell, there will be a very lucky buyer somewhere. If you need a lend of something for comparison lemme know
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SOLD! - Einstein Phono Stage, "The Turntable's Choice"

Post by Ivor »

Ok, decision made and this is now up for sale.

I need more flexibility from a phono stage as my collection of mono jazz increases!
Ivor wrote: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:53 pm I’m looking for “expressions of interest” in my Einstein Phono Stage – “The Turntable’s Choice”. There’s no good reason for me to sell this (no honestly) but I just have an itch!
This is a seriously high end phono stage, easily adjusted to the required impedance by using what look like RCA plugs. This model is RCA rather than balanced.
I have this about 5 years, bought up north.
Going by current prices I’d be looking for €3400 - but very flexible on this. To the right home.
Given the size of the box this is housed in I’d rather not have to post it anywhere! It does have the wooden crate, the impedance plugs, separate power supply and white cotton gloves

The photos are not of my own unit simply because the phone on my camera is borked (it’s an industry term) but I will add those asap.

Technical data of the Turntable's Choice phono stage from Einstein Audio
- Gain of 68dB (2500x)
- S/N ratio typically 76dB
- THD < 0.03%
- Star-grounding (the stereo version too uses discrete dual-mono floating power supplies)
- passive RIAA equalization
- Adjustable impedance loading
- Discrete architecture (24 monolithic transistors per channel)
- High-current output stage with low 50-ohm output impedance
- Output voltage > 5V, balanced 10V
- External power supply (the fully balanced version has twin power supplies)
- Resonance-free vibration-optimized chassis
- Dual-mono architecture

A google search will throw up lots of reviews and information on this wee beast but here’s a typical one ... ein-Audio
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Re: Definitely for sale now! Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Diapason »

Four years later. No hasty decisions!
Nerdcave: no more! :(
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Re: Definitely for sale now! Einstein Phono Stage.

Post by Ivor »

Diapason wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:55 pm Four years later. No hasty decisions!
The possible replacement didn't really come close. If you get something irreplaceable you don't rush!
Vinyl -anything else is data storage.

Thorens TD124 Mk1 + Kuzma Stogi 12"arm, HANA Red, Gold Note PH 10 + PSU. ADI-2 Dac, Lector CDP7, Wyred4Sound pre, Airtight ATM1s, Klipsch Heresy IV, Misc Mains, RCA + XLR ICs, Ansuz P2 Speaker cable
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