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Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:43 am
by nige2000
Had an enquiry about joining the Group buy, is there anyone else interested before i start sourcing more parts

cost is whatever the parts cost is the rest is community spirit and collaboration in the search for something better
probably looking like 950-1100e region with transformer volume control and case,
will try keep costs down but sound quality and build quality is the first priority

primary its self build, but im sure those of us involved will help others with less experience, but really the way frd1996 has designed the pcbs makes for a fairly simple built

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:52 pm
by Sligolad
For anyone considering an upgrade to their amplification then I can easily recommend this Amp, heard it twice now and it has blown away the competition, the last listening session was shockingly good and I have yet to hear the latest improvements.

Just a quick note Nige to confirm Top-up for TVC, etc. Money sent by IBAN.

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:23 pm
by nige2000
Sligolad wrote:For anyone considering an upgrade to their amplification then I can easily recommend this Amp, heard it twice now and it has blown away the competition, the last listening session was shockingly good and I have yet to hear the latest improvements.

Just a quick note Nige to confirm Top-up for TVC, etc. Money sent by IBAN.
no rush on funds yet, need to make sure that i figure out correct optimised transformer spec before ordering more parts

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:35 pm
by Diapason
I kinda want in but I'm not sure about budget and I've never used a soldering iron in anger. When do you need to know, Nige?

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:30 pm
by nige2000
Diapason wrote:I kinda want in but I'm not sure about budget and I've never used a soldering iron in anger. When do you need to know, Nige?
not sure yet, sooner the better
only need enough to cover the battery order for now, i think there used in electric cars etc and sold in 500/1000 lots
and is harder and more expensive to find in smaller quantities, courier cost is evil on them too with the transport of lithium batt laws
i have my eye on a lot of up to 60 units atm, which could make three amps, there a little more than i payed for the first batch at 950e for 60
so id rather procure and secure what's needed

im sure Tony could help you build it:)
i wouldnt like to leave someone out for lack of soldering experience, im sure we can all help each other out

anyway i don't believe you've heard any version of the amp yet, we should rectify that before making any decisions
hopefully after youll think its not expensive enough:)

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:20 pm
by tony
nige2000 wrote:im sure Tony could help you build it:)
i wouldnt like to leave someone out for lack of soldering experience, im sure we can all help each other out

anyway i don't believe you've heard any version of the amp yet, we should rectify that before making any decisions
hopefully after youll think its not expensive enough:)
Yes of course would love for Simon to join in, We can do it together Simon and we can practice by building your amp first?
It will be great!

Is it worth trying to fit a session in before Xmas? I am around this week maybe Wednesday or Friday otherwise it is the new year really at this point. Do you need a listening session Nigel or any you sort of decided on the route to take?

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:17 pm
by nige2000
Think weve tested enough stuff in the past for me to know what a unanimous decision would be

But if Simon could make it I could try

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:43 pm
by Diapason
Probably too lofty a goal for me to get anything done this week, tbh. Friday is definitely out for me, although now that I think of it, Wednesday could conceivably be made to work. Hmmm.........................

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:56 pm
by sima66
Again, I'm so jealous at you guys! :(
Wish that I could enjoy the "party"!

I just installed bybee's in my amps and I could not stop listening all night!

Re: Alert It did not explode YET.... Amp....... Group Buy

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:22 pm
by Diapason
You know, I'm going to sit this one out. It's just not the right time for me, I just don't really have a spare grand to play with at the moment, even if it yields sonics worth 10 times that amount. I *know* I'm going to regret this in due course, but you'd better go on without me.

Thanks again for doing all this though, Nige. It's really cool to have such things going on locally.