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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:43 pm
by Plainview
Have a perfect condition Ciunas DAC for sale.

Pictures of DAC here:

Fully asynchronous USB DAC that punches far above its weight.

192Khz 24bit capable and works with Mac or Windows.

Battery powered (rechargeable) so I found it had a very quiet, black, background.

I've gone to a system with an integrated DAC so it's suddenly surplus to requirements.

I think you'd have to pay multiples to get near its performance.
"The Ciunas feeds an I2S signal to a PCM5102 BB/TI DAC chip. The PCM5102 DAC sounds superior to the ESS Sabre DAC ES9023 used in one of my previous DAC products. Each element, significant to achieving the best possible signal quality, has been addressed. Battery power provides extremely low PS noise - one of the most important factors in digital audio. The high current output battery used (120 Amps instantaneous current) is the most stable power supply available for digital circuitry. Using this isolated power supply avoids issues of common mode noise & ground loop noise, often associated with non-isolated power supplies. Whereas other USB devices use 'add ons' such as isolators, special power supplies (often battery PS), ground lift techniques, etc., there is no need or advantage to such devices with the Ciúnas range - these issues are already dealt with & designed in from the ground up. The self-powered Ciúnas mitigates the influence of the PC's noisy power supply. As the 5V USB feed is not used or connected in any of the Ciúnas devices there is no influence from this supply; this means special USB cables, which separate out the 5V Vbus, wire are not needed - a wider range of options are available when choosing a USB cable which are not limited by this consideration."
Review Audio Video Revolution wrote: As good as the Ciunas sounded with the Squeezebox Touch, it sounded even better with the laptop. The transparency, quiet backgrounds, and tonal quality went to another level. One can say the Ciunas will sound better the higher quality the source you feed it.

The Ciunas replaced a just departed Burson Conductor DAC & Musical Fidelity V-DAC II The first thing I noticed was how spacious the Ciunas sounded. The soundstage seemed to widen, especially compared to the V-DAC II. I then was impressed with the unit’s detail retrieval and overall musical accuracy. Nothing stood out as out of place. No midrange glare, no upper frequency hash or flatness in the treble. To quote Radiohead, "everything was in its right place."

The John Kenny Ciunas DAC, at roughly $750, is a terrific sounding USB DAC that will fit into any space. It features a proprietary battery power scheme that works very well and, to my mind, clearly gives it an edge over similarly priced products. Kenny also makes USB converters as well that uses similar technology
Can be posted safely enough or collected in Dublin 4 area.

Absolute bargain price of €290


Re: Ciunas DAC by JKenny BARGAIN

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:16 pm
by Plainview
PRICE DROP to €250

Re: Ciunas DAC by JKenny BARGAIN

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:00 pm
by Plainview

And a price drop to €220!

Pics here:

Re: Ciunas DAC by JKenny BARGAIN --> price drop to €220

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:34 pm
by Ivor
PM sent.

Re: Ciunas DAC by JKenny BARGAIN --> price drop to €220

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:29 pm
by Sloop John B
No indication whether this sold?

chap on PFM looking for one ... p?t=195326


Re: Ciunas DAC by JKenny BARGAIN --> price drop to €220

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 8:39 pm
by Ivor
Sloop John B wrote:No indication whether this sold?

chap on PFM looking for one ... p?t=195326

I took it John.