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The awe-inspiring counterpoint in Mozart's final symphony

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:04 am
by Seán
This item on the Classic FM website is hugely enjoyable and informative.
The awe-inspiring counterpoint in Mozart's final symphony, explained in one video
By Kyle Macdonald, 8th August 2016, 11:59

This very clear musical analysis of the finale from Mozart's Jupiter symphony reveals every ounce of the great composer's contrapuntal genius. ... int-video/

Re: The awe-inspiring counterpoint in Mozart's final symphon

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:38 pm
by warrenduffy
Absolute tragedy he died so young.
With the Jupiter i always get the sense that he was entering a real mature stage of symphonic composition.
We can only imagine what was to follow.


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