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Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:01 pm
by Diapason
Lads, my days as a valve man might be numbered!

Before buying the Sonus Fabers I'd read that they probably work better with solid state amps due to their awkward impedance dips, but as I posted elsewhere, when I actually connected them up to my amps I was pleasantly surprised. That said, I wanted to hear what real muscle would do, so Michael from Cloney kindly loaned me a Parasound A21 that he had just bought for his own use. I picked it up last Wednesday and dropped it back today, and goodness me I'm sorry to see it go. What a great amp that is, and it was still getting better and better as I reluctantly turned it off last night and boxed it back up for return to its rightful owner.

I'd forgotten the drive and impact that good solid state can bring, and I don't hear many (any?) of my old concerns with SS in combination with these speakers. If they had a more audiophile name and a higher price tag, you'd be reading about these amps all over the place, I suspect. Meanwhile I've a bit of thinking to do. This might mean the end of glowing bottles in the mancave...

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:27 pm
by Gerry D
Hi Simon.

I'm a valve guy too.
But my office system at present is a Sondek/Ittok/BPS through a Silthech Sphinx Project 2 Pre amp through Parasound 2125's. One per channel into Sonus Faber Concertos.
In a word, Terrific !
Didn't think the subtlety, detail,air and dynamics were possible with good value solid state amps.
Any music, any time, low volume, racing out. Terrific !
I know you're speakers are slightly larger [LOL] but this amp speaker combo is terrific.

Sometimes I swap back to the ESL 57's and an old Sony receiver for fun. But that SF/Parasound combo is too good.

Having said all that I always look forward to getting home to my 300B's and EIST Dubs. Of course :)

Best of luck with your quest.

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:42 pm
by Sligolad
I hear ya Simon, been loving the Classe CA2200 with the Quads since last April but as things happen the left channel went bad on Sunday so back to Cloney's tomorrow.
Hopefully it can be repaired but in the meantime I might try out some new kit while I am waiting.

Looking forward to see what the SS options are but also tempted to try the Copland CTA506 they have advertised.
Maybe time to give Devialet a try.

Wonder if they would consider bringing in a Modwright SS amp for demo as hearing one of the newer models 2 years ago is what got me really interested in SS again. Will ask and see how I get on.

Cheers, Pearse.

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:26 pm
by Fran
You're in an enviable position that either type will give you good results Simon. I've kinda settled on valves, but I have tended to go for lower powered amps and I think that is maybe where valves shine anyway. I was very impressed though with a Nuvista M3 I had here a while back. Gorgeous sound. That gamut/sirius D200 amp too - beautiful.

The glowing bottles do look good though!!!


Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:44 pm
by Sligolad
OK apologies.....Classe is OK so sticking with SS for now.

Turns out one of those WBT screw locking RCA connectors was not quite as tight as it should have been and this is what was causing the protection fault!!
The Primare I30 SS amp I stuck in as replacement worked fine before I discovered the problem, it was only after doing some googling on Classe protection fault which suggested looking for damaged or frayed cables.
So amp back out of the boot of the car for another try and all OK.....that would have not looked well going into Cloney's with a good amp with no issues.

Sorry for distracting from the thread and nice pic Fran, good winter warmth there!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:53 pm
by giant haystacks
my friend has a parasound 5 channel av amp which he uses with a anthem av pre with room correction -i have to hear it yet maybe i could be converted
i have a friend in monaghan who has big monsters called treshold i cant remember what they look like but he would sell them

Re: Amplification

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:06 pm
by Diapason
Thanks all. Somewhere in my head I'd written off solid state amps as "not for me", but as so often happens I'm once again being proved wrong. I'm conscious though that this is the first "other" amp I've used with the new speakers, so I don't want to do anything too hasty. Still, this is the fun part of the hobby, where improvements are tumbling over each other and it's all a joy.

Fran, it's interesting you mention the Nu Vista as there's one on the pre-owned section. I might need to get my hands on that for a while. TBH, even if I go with SS power amps, I can see myself putting a valve or two in the preamp or DAC section over time. You all know I secretly want a Lampi Big 7...

Gerry and GH, I didn't know there were any Parasound users locally, so I'm glad to hear there are a few others. Have you heard any of their other amps? I'd really like to hear the JC-1 monos. Threshold I know by name only (Threshold Stasis jumps to mind, but I'll need to google why!)

Pearse, delighted that all is well in Classé land and that your blushes were spared.

Re: Amplification

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:53 pm
by panda2rom
You know you could invite people to bring their amps to your house for some music listening :)
So you would listen to alot of solid state amps, that might give you the best match with your speakers.
There are alof of different technology in Solid States ! Mosfet amps, Germanium, Silicium, Capacitors, Class T / D, etc...

Re: Amplification

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:55 pm
by Diapason
It'll happen eventually...!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:01 pm
by Ken Moreland
I used various low power single ended valve amps for over 20 years, valves such as 300B (Audion)and KT88's (Unison Research) with power outputs of 8 to 15 Watts with efficient speakers from Triangle and Focal. A modest friend suggested going solid state but I was reluctant until a Gamut/Sirius D200 (probably the one Fran referred to) became available from a Gentleman on this forum. I listened to it and grabbed it and never looked back. I still use it with the Focals and with all the new developments in dacs, power supplies, gizmos and software it continues to deliver. Worth every €!!