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Anyone Using Asset uPnP ?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:16 pm
by james
I am trying to configure Asset uPnP ,, Can anyone point me to documeentation ? I am trying to setup the 'Browse Tree' [see picture].

I am currently using a squeezbox and I have the following directory structure [folder strutture] for my files ..
Will I be able to access this directory structure with the Asset app [I dont want to search via performer and/or composer .. I just want to follow the directory structure and I can do this at the moment with the squeezbox app under the heading : 'music folder']

By the way I am running on a QNAP-TS219P NAS server.



Re: Anyone Using Asset uPnP ?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:02 pm
by Aleg
This is the only link to a manual I could find
It is an old one though.

Otherwise just try the dbpoweramp forum: ... Asset-UPnP

Re: Anyone Using Asset uPnP ?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:50 pm
by Sloop John B
james wrote:I am trying to configure Asset uPnP ,, Can anyone point me to documeentation ? I am trying to setup the 'Browse Tree' [see picture].

I am currently using a squeezbox and I have the following directory structure [folder strutture] for my files ..
Will I be able to access this directory structure with the Asset app [I dont want to search via performer and/or composer .. I just want to follow the directory structure and I can do this at the moment with the squeezbox app under the heading : 'music folder']

By the way I am running on a QNAP-TS219P NAS server.



from your picture on the first row select "insert before"
this inserts a new filed which will say not set
choose Folders and filename browsing from the drop down list.
hit apply.

now your first choice on your streamer app will show Folders and filename browsing and will give you the same control as Logitech's Music Folder view.


Re: Anyone Using Asset uPnP ?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:19 am
by james
Thanks to both of you ..

I have read the manual and have a better idea of how the program works.

I am going to load the program onto an old XP laptop and experiment. When I get good settings I can apply them to the QNAP NAS.

Thanks again -- I have learnt much more here than on the dbpoweramp site or with Google.


Re: Anyone Using Asset uPnP ?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:20 pm
by james
I experimented with a Windows-XP system and got it working. I have now bought the program for my QNAP NAS -- many thanks for all the help.