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Mozart symphony cycles.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:14 pm
by Seán
Hello lads, I am still on a Mozart expedition, so have you any thoughts on the relative merits of the following sets:






Re: Mozart symphony cycles.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:39 pm
by fergus
Seán wrote:Hello lads, I am still on a Mozart expedition, so have you any thoughts on the relative merits of the following sets:


It has been quite a while since I heard these performances Seán but I remember liking the early symphonies but not the middle/later ones.


I have that set and like it a lot. I think Bohm is a good Mozartian.


Strangely enough I have no Mozart symphonies under Harnoncourt's direction in my collection!


This is another one that I have and also like, but would not be top of the list.


I do not know this one at all Seán but I know that you do not like his Haydn.


I have most of those listed symphonies in another set and also really like them. Walter was one of the Greats for me.

My recommendation without hesitation is the complete cycle by Tate. It is almost a forgotten cycle and very much underrated IMHO. He has a lightness of touch and interpretation that is wonderful listening for me. I have the original issue....


....but I remember it being reissued for about half of the price [just can't remember if there was a booklet of liner notes with it though]....


Both sets can be had on Amazon UK if one was interested Seán. See if you can get a listen on YouTube over the weekend for a flavour.

Re: Mozart symphony cycles.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:21 pm
by Seán
Many thanks for your comprehensive response Fergus. I must investigate the Tate recordings too.

Re: Mozart symphony cycles.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:31 pm
by fergus
Seán wrote:Many thanks for your comprehensive response Fergus. I must investigate the Tate recordings too.

You are welcome Seán. I will be interested to see what you eventually purchase.

Re: Mozart symphony cycles.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:41 pm
by Jose Echenique
So many different approaches Seán. Personally I would choose Harnoncourt for the early symphonies and Brüggen for the later ones. I don´t think there´s a complete cycle 100% satisfactory, but Pinnock is much better than Hogwood.