There really is something delightful about a relatively modest piece of kit performing very well, in fact performing better than what would be expected against much more expensive systems. I think its something about the Irish psychic which has an affinity to the "underdog" which is nipping at the heals and sometimes surpassing the performance of topdog.
In addition there seems to be a sort of nostalgic relationship around Mr Croft and his products, which Cybot seems to understand much more than the rest of us.
I think that power amp you have there Cybot looks really great, all those valves sticking out the top, with the cage pushed to one side. What is the number of the big valve in the middle, any ideas? The new Croft gear reminds me of the old Audiolab amplifiers, anybody remember those, there was one the 8000LX, which was a line only amp, about 60W, it had a oblong on off button on the right, with the input and volume dials on the left.
Alas, I have found that I enjoyed my budget hi fi set up times much more than my more professional current set up. Maybe it was because life had less worries / problems then than it has now. Or maybe it was because it was just great to have a hi fi set up which was much better than the previous one, while still in the budget class and the allowance for upgrading was still very much there. A sort of enjoying "budget underdog status" while still knowing serious upgrading was a real possibility.
Unfortunately I think this sense of anticipation, excitment, reduces as more expensive upgrades occur. The more money one puts into the system, the more reduced your possibilities for future changes become. Unless of course your salary also goes up by double digit percentages every few years, which might happen for some of us, but I would imagine this does not happen for the majority.
While I am not in upgrade territory at the moment, and to be honest with the way things are going I will just batten down the hatches for the next 12 months I often wonder, if I did upgrade... would I be more happier than I was 10 years ago?
hmmmm.........decisions decisions...