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Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:35 pm
by Sligolad
I had the pleasure of hearing a 10 year old set of Wilson Audio Maxx Speakers in Clooney's today and boy do they sound wonderful.

They have been sold so the risk of temptation overriding common sense has been removed so one can listen and enjoy and it was a real joy.
Anyone in the area should drop in and have a listen before they go out the door.
Noel & Ivan have them setup with 2 x 200 watt Devaliet's driving them wonderfully with source being a Cayin CD transport I think fed via optical out to the Devaliet's.

Great soundstage and a wonderful listening experience for me and probably the best listening experience in my HiFi world so far.
Much can be improved as the guys will tell you in terms of the room and spikes but as they are just sitting there in the front room they sound amazing.


Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:54 pm
by Ivor
I'll make a trip out Tuesday morning!

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:06 pm
by fergus
They are not aesthetically pleasing to my eye but sonically, I agree, they sounded wonderful; very detailed and balanced without sounding clinical.

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:57 pm
by Diapason
I heard them a few weeks back and while I liked them in many ways, I was actually a notch disappointed with some aspects. Obviously they're amazing, don't get me wrong, but maybe my expectations were too high.

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:15 am
by tony
Congrats on the Classé Pearse it looks like some beast. Those Wilson's look like a set of disco speakers from the eighties. Lucky escape there I think. Maybe you were just feeling full of good vibes because the Classé had worked out so well or maybe you left your glasses at home?

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:51 pm
by Sligolad
tony wrote:Congrats on the Classé Pearse it looks like some beast. Those Wilson's look like a set of disco speakers from the eighties. Lucky escape there I think.
If I had the room I would buy them Tony at 10k but unfortunately not and I agree with everyone in that they certainly do nothing for me in the looks department.
At least in terms of looks that side of HiFi is not that important to me anymore so hence the lack of any concerns bringing a "Whale" into the house.....its what some who own the Classe CA2200 call it!!
Diapason wrote:I heard them a few weeks back and while I liked them in many ways, I was actually a notch disappointed with some aspects.
I wonder were the Devaliet Amps hooked up to them then Simon as Noel mentioned he struggled with amplification on them until he tried the Devaliets.

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:41 pm
by Rob
If its the same pair then they have had them since 2006/7! I heard them around that time on an open demo and was disappointed with the sound although Ivan was pumping some dance music through them which was probably recorded in a studio with recording gear that in total cost a fraction of the speakers retail at 130k (IIRC) so hardly a good choice. They were placed in the same location in the room, and I think the monoblocks driving them at the time were truly immense top-end Classe types.

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:01 pm
by Diapason
Can't remember what was driving them when I was in. I know there are LOTS of things to set up on the speaker and they weren't long in the shop when I heard them. The guys in Cloney have probably just improved the setup since then and dialled down the tweeter a bit.

I'll say one thing, they're DEFINITELY a bargain for whoever got them. I was kinda raging I missed them, although they'd be comical in the nerd cave...

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:26 pm
by Terry
Dangerous things those Maxx's.Image

Re: Wilson MAXX Speakers

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:22 am
by Adrian
Thanks for posting up your visit / experience of the Maxx's Pearse. I was in the shop about 6 weeks ago.... the Wilson Maxx were there then. Certainly are very impressive sonically, I did not inquire about the price as Ivan told me that they had already been sold. However I am surprised at the price of 10K..... seems very cheap for such a speaker. For example... Soltanus Acoustics are 10K, Proac D30R.. around 5.5 to 6K.... a pair of Harbeths would be around 3K etc.

As Ireland has followed a course of internal devaluation.... 10K of euro is a lot of money.... but relative to other currencies... 10K of euro is almost chicken feed.

The bass drivers on the Maxx seem to be a 10" and a 8"..... is this correct... I thought they were both 10"... however from the photo one seems slightly smaller than the other?

Would I buy them... personally no... due to not having the space and I feel they would be total overkill for my purposes. If I was in a detached house.... then perhaps I could be persuaded!!

However if you want scale... soundstage... then those Maxxs will deliver big time..... as the American saying goes...."You can't beat cubes"