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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:44 pm
by Gerry D
I was just thinking. And no it didn't hurt.
Why is sound more respectable than noise ?

Re: Sound/Noise

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:00 pm
by mcq
It's a question of how we perceive the sounds around us and how we subjectively assess/dismiss them either as cacophonic "noise" or a loose conglomeration of ambient sounds.  The latter is generally perceived to be more respectable because of its apparently inoffensive nature whereas the noisy stuff challenges generally accepted notions of what "real" music should sound like.  Which is perhaps why Brian Eno's Music For Airports has sold more copies than Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music.

Re: Sound/Noise

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:44 am
by cybot
Warning: Don't expect to understand my rantings :)

Sound = as in the sound of music.

Noise = as in the music of sound.

Couldn't resist that :)

What is noise? What is sound?

Noise: From the Latin 'Nausea' One that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance with
irregular vibrations. Non-harmonious....

Sound: As in musical sound: Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to
noise. From the Nordic 'Sund' (swimming, strait). Harmonious....

As to why sound is more respectable than noise? It leaves a less nauseous feeling in the gentle stomachs of the listener doesn't it? As Paul said it challenges perceptions of what 'real' music should sound like.

Have a read of this :

'I feel electricity to be the energy of the universe. The electric guitar is the only tool that can converse with this energy. Feedback is the ecstatic orgasm that comes from this conversation between humans and the electric blood of matter' Michael Gibbons (Bardo Pond)

Is Jimi's rendition of the 'Star Spangled Banner' noise?
Is the Beatles 'Tomorrow Never Knows' noise?
Is the Grateful Dead's 'Feedback' noise?
Is Beefheart's 'Trout Mask Replica' noise?
Is Carsten Nicolai's clickity clicks noise?
Is Can's 'Aumgn'/'Unfinished' noise?
Is Tony Conrad's 'Four Violins' noise?

It all depends on the context/mood of the listener. If given the choice to listen to 'Music For Airports' or 'Metal Machine Music' I'd pick neither; Tony Conrad's 'Four Violins' gives me both
sides plus it's far more evocative :)

Re: Sound/Noise

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:50 pm
by Gerry D
It's a beautiful noise - Neil Diamond
Noise annoys - The Buzzcocks


Re: Sound/Noise

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:07 pm
by tweber
Reminds me of my dad's comments when I played some Stevie Ray Vaughan in his earshot as a young lad. What I thought was magic, he referred to as "pot walloping" :-)