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Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:31 pm
by howlindawg
Hi all,

I've made a few posts on here already but thought it polite if I introduced myself properly.

My name is Martin and I live in Leixlip.
A few folks on here already know me either from meeting in person or via the WAM.

My system is in a state of flux at the moment as a change of requirements (and room) pushed me in a totally new direction.

My previous system was a Luxman SQ-38u valve integrated, dCS Purcell and Elgar DAC (yes, that one) with various digital sources and Townshend Rock V + Excalibur + Benz Glider SL looking after the analogue duties and Reference 3A Veena speakers.

A curious baby (18 mths now) provoked me to a] plan a much larger living space and b] move away from hot valves and silicon troughs so a rethink was required.

Speakers are now Usher Dancer Mini 2 Diamonds with a DeVialet D-200 on the way to drive them. Analogue front end is an indistructable Techie M5G with Audio Note Arm One MkII tonearm, still currently fitted with the Benz.

Anyway, that's enough about me.
I'm looking forward to getting more involve on the forum and probably bumping into a few folks at the shows etc..

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:40 pm
by Ivor
Welcome Martin, I think you've already slotted right in here! Nice system(s) by the way. I hope the new changes work out...

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:49 pm
by Diapason
Howya Martin. I thought you'd been here for years, sure you're already part of the furniture!

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:04 pm
by tony
Welcome aboard Martin. Fran should probably sticky this as we don't have an introduction thread and certainly would help break the ice for people. Looks like you should have been there that faithful DCS day!!
On the baby front best of luck when I remember the various disasters that struck in a short period. Chopped up Nordost speaker cables some people probably think that is the best use for them! Pencils, plastic bins fed into dvd machines. 30yr old cassette player destroyed. Every toggle switch pulled out and lost the list goes on. Beware no amount of protection is sufficient except locked alarmed door with maybe a light electric fence in case that security is breached.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:26 pm
by nige2000
tony wrote:Welcome aboard Martin. Fran should probably sticky this as we don't have an introduction thread and certainly would help break the ice for people. Looks like you should have been there that faithful DCS day!!
On the baby front best of luck when I remember the various disasters that struck in a short period. Chopped up Nordost speaker cables some people probably think that is the best use for them! Pencils, plastic bins fed into dvd machines. 30yr old cassette player destroyed. Every toggle switch pulled out and lost the list goes on. Beware no amount of protection is sufficient except locked alarmed door with maybe a light electric fence in case that security is breached.

welcome Martin

got dcb1 and dual mono gainclone too

ive got one of these
one of the most powerful electric fences on the market

ive been a victim a couple of times
wouldnt recommed it
may have a second use as a Defibrillator

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:47 pm
by DaveF
Welcome aboard Martin. I had a pair of the big Usher speakers before (the CP8571's). A great sounding speaker with a bankvault-like build quality.
Hope you enjoy your time here and do post often.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:10 pm
by Adrian
Welcome indeed,,,, nice system too by the way...

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:23 pm
by Ken Moreland
Welcome aboard, Martin. Now's the time to heavily invest on new gear, you aren't going to have it to spare later.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:31 pm
by cybot
Welcome Martin to the show that never ends :) BTW what's the inspiration behind your monikor, apart from the obvious! It's a beautiful image all told....

Re: Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:48 pm
by howlindawg
cybot wrote:BTW what's the inspiration behind your monikor, apart from the obvious!
It's a nick name that stuck.
Most of my friends call me Howlin.

It's from a motorcycle owners group that I was a member of.
All the members were allocated 'Dawg' tags.
I became Howlin Dawg due to the sound my mildly modified Triumph triple made on wide open throttle down the main straight in Mondello. :)

The name stuck. :)